The attitude era big 5

Attached: Rebellion_1999_VHS_cover.jpg (236x423, 26.83K)

Rock, Jarrett, Chyna, Kane, and Show?

Why didn't Austin come out?

Because he wasn't on the show.

user, there's six people in that picture.

Why didn’t simp cuck or UAMFBN come out?

Sorry it was hard to crop out big nose Haitch

kek what a anti-draw can't even get booked

show, gaytch and double J?

1st ppv i ever ordered


Last show of the Attitude era. Russo left for WCW the next day, leaving Vince McMahon crying on the phone about how he was going to pay him a million dollars if he’d stayed.

graet main event

Russo is a traitorous snake that should have been sued. Vince made him and he had the absolute gall to stab us in the back

Russo wasn’t under contract. That’s McMahon’s fault. Imagine having someone turn your entire business around and then you double their workload without consulting them or increasing their pay, exclude him from the IPO, and tell him to get a nanny when he asks for modest work/life accommodations. Vince McMahon is a piece of shit.

There’s 6
You’re retarded aren’t you OP? You don’t know how to count?

Fuck you tranny without McMahon Russo would be broke, he got millions of dollars with no qualifications, he should be blowing him right now for turning all his garbage ideas into record profits

McMahon would be out of business without Russo. He’d probably have been a second rung commentator for WCW Worldwide by 2002 before killing himself out of shame.

jeff jarrett never drew a dime

lol jeff jarrett managed to get his no dime having ass on the cover lol vince IS a giant homosexual

I had this on video when I was 10. Loved it. Iirc it's the cage match where Rocky escapes and it doesn't count because the ref is knocked out. Then Vince tells Rock to fuck himself.

Watching late 1999 WWF, Jarrett has major heat with his misogyny storyline.

Kys AEWist troon


You have VDS you faggot ass troon