After 50 hours i'm bored

After 50 hours i'm bored

Attached: WWE2K_STD-ED_616x353_MC.jpg (616x353, 198.12K)

what is stopping you from enjoying the vidya now?

yeah, the gameplay's ridiculously simple and limited

Universe mode is the same and gm mode is bare bones

it's cracked and out online if any of ya just want to try it, no caws obviously though

i tried career mode but i refused to suck Pat Patterson's cock so i was stuck in the indy level

Universe mode literally crashes the game for me. I can't do shit but wait on them to fucking patch it. Same shit happened when 2K19 came out and it took them a fucking MONTH to patch it

45 gigs and you'll want 6gb vram for 1080p

The gameplay isnt fun tho? My favorite wrestling vidya is no mercy and that didn't have super engaging modes, just a great suite and fun gameplay.

Only 1 on 1 matches are any decent

legit sauce?

>Get a life

Attached: 1644915428827.png (600x600, 433.85K)

>50 hours
That's your moneys worth though.


I want to play it but i have no money

Time is money pal.

>plays 50 hours in less than a week
>I'm bored
No shit. You burnt yourself out retard.

>I have no dedication to the business
What a selfmark.

lots of wrestling games have had huge problems with down time and pacing for stuff like tag matches and triple threats. Elimination matches are usually fine

>Game only came out a week ago
>Played game for 50 hours
>Says he’s bored it

Am I being worked or does OP have an IQ lower than Eugene? I hope you at least pirated it user