Will you be listening to Mick Foleys podcast

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absolutely not


I would rather have someone shove a test-tube inside my urethra then kick me in the dick.

Nah. The guy is a GOAT but he has such shit takes on everything these days not just wrestling.

>foley's opinions

Attached: age-of-sandow.jpg (595x261, 40.56K)

>edrones ladies and gentlemen
>cheer you today. shun you tomorrow

Foley is pussy. What kinda weakling let's his daughter fuck a superfan?

KEK feel the same i think i'd rather have cancer than listen to that braindead simp ramble.....

what a shitter remember this "we got a problem vid"

read foleys book as a teen, but now find him to be such a sad sack lazy dork, with opinions of someone who has been compromised. i'll pass

Foley was a great wrestler and is probably a genuine, good guy, but his takes and standup aren't any good, so I think I'll pass.

there's too many podcasts as is but if he tells stories from iwa japan i'll listen

boring, he is a leftist psychopath that just parrots the safest opinion amongst the IWC

Shut up, fat faggot.

He's a retarded leftie. I would rather sit on my balls.

I think it's really counterintuitive for him to do a podcast for free when about 80% of his income is from touring where he tells the same stories he'll be telling on the podcast and charging $30-75 per ticket. in a world where fewer and fewer people by the day with disposable income know or care who Mick Foley is, it's probably not best for his bank account to throw away tour money for muh podcast meme but hey, what do I know? my best guess is he got carried into it by that fat ass Conrad guy who I'm pretty sure sells mortgage scams for a living???

There's way too many podcasts out there now. Joe Rogan getting paid opened up the floodgates on celebrities trying to get a piece of that pie too, and almost all of them suck.

what balls lol

>fat ass Conrad guy who I'm pretty sure sells mortgage scams for a living???
Quick rundown on this tub of lard who seems to have JR on retainer?

Bailed Flair out of debt and got one of his daughters in return.

The only wrestling approved podcast on Any Forums is Taskmaster Talks, ya simp.