
Attached: 1647238292136.jpg (1242x1628, 292.91K)

Oh shit is he cofnitmed dead?

Is Scott dead?


Not yet

just confirmed then

Not yet

nah you are

I wish Nash tore his heart walls like he tore his quads and anus instead of based Scott getting three heart attacks


it was just confirmed retard

No it wasn't lol

No, kevin nash posted a picture of them without a caption, doesn’t mean he said he’s dead retard

it's confirmed retards, go back

Provide the link, then.

Here ya go bro: www.f4wonline.com


Actually legitimately retarded and fat as fuck


i didn't even post this one you fucking retards, go back

Don't worry, he'll kick out at two

Scott was one of the good ones. man.
Big F for the guy.

Attached: sometimes_it_do_be_like_it_is.gif (600x432, 3.92M)

so he's dead or pretty much dying then if nash is posting this

one last big push to the promised land

He ain't dead until there's a sticky.