/ddm/ Donna del Mondo General

Previous thread:
MaiHimePoi successfully defended their Artist titles for the sixth time against Queen's Quest at Korakuen Hall.
Cosmic Angels challenged MaiHimePoi afterward hoping to prevent them from making a seventh defense.
Tensions are flaring within DDM.
Giulia & Thekla vs Syuri & MIRAI resulted in a TLD.
Giulia told Syuri not to "go blabbing" about who she wants to defend the Red Belt against next when she hasn't even faced Giulia yet on March 26.
Sakurai & MIRAI teamed up at New Blood 1, then they teamed up again at a fried cheese dog stand.



Attached: mai-hime-poi.jpg (1600x1067, 242.35K)

Other urls found in this thread:

twitter.com/search?q=from:himeka_art ロリコン&src=typed_query&f=live

1st for ASUKA!

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More like Uggos Del Mondo, right fellas?


Attached: tumblr_7a1b1e53f13101ff7655f3277036145b_ff4d07d8_1280.jpg (1280x1920, 333.94K)

twitter.com/search?q=from:himeka_art ロリコン&src=typed_query&f=live

>I'm an eternal lolicon.
>I'm becoming more and more convinced that I'm a lolicon these days.
>Only a lolicon might understand this, but the goodness that comes out of being a junior high school student is too big for me to eat.
>#I don't care how old you are as long as you're cute

Uh, what precisely did Himeka mean by this?

I can’t be the only person who just doesn’t care about this DDM and Prominence rivalry right? I mean yeah I don’t like DDM but even still this rivalry just seems kind of unnecessary and meh lol.

if there's anyone out there who DOES care we've yet to find them

If it ends with giu bloody and covered in glass shards its worth it

considering how poorly the fans react to any introduction of weapons at all I'd honestly be pretty impressed if they had the balls to do anything even resembling a deathmatch in a Stardom show

What is Poi's stance on NFTs?

she doesn't understand them


she doesn't know what those are
Poi's IQ is in the 80s user

on the TV downstairs? how can you be so sure? it's nearly impossible to see


Newfags be gone

Love Poi.

Attached: Poi Bikini.jpg (1080x1252, 67.39K)

More like Based Del Based, right fellas?