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damn I didn't know probiscus watches rasslin'

he's scum of course he does

now smarks will want Hall dead

He's ok.

>he's scum

no u

Chud Hall should have taken the vaccine.

i guess he doesn't realize that all wrestling fans are lefty faggots these days.

it’s ay yo not hey yo

Say hello to the dead guy

except that he did, you fucking retard
I think it's both

>israel shill

Even still a good way to know if you're talking to a fellow chud-chad online or irl is if they like wrestling and opie & anthony. It's still our thing despite twitter .


razor ramon is a hard gay legend

He stole Ed McMahon's promo.

Bullshit. I have a Trumpamania shirt.

he probably does not watch any current wrestling like most people

Trump lost.

No u

>if they like wrestling and opie & anthony
finna based. I saw a list of "red flags for white supremacists" the other day, and it included liking Patrice kek.

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