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Tony should sign him

Sandow was based but being endorsed by Foley is a death sentence.

How the fuck do you drop the ball on Damian Sandow?

kek only someone with brain damage like mick would say this stupid shit

Fucking things up is what Vince does best.

He got over organically. Only Vince's chosen few are allowed to get over.

by realizing he's a shitter and letting him expose himself on TNA

>not realizing this is a joke

the fucking camera work man i cant

the absolute state of these people kek

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Cena was protecting the business

it was a "fine speech" in physical form, based Xong

dude sucked anyway

Where the fuck is Samoa Joe? Is he injured? Does he work in WWE anymore?

>Where the fuck is Samoa Joe?
being followed around by a baby with a tuba

He got fired in early 2021, brought back to NXT, won the title, got stripped of it when they started 2.0, had him working backstage, then fired him again

lmao damn. Thanks user.

yeah funny how none of you heard of him since, he was garbage in tna and was doing a shitty karate gimmick on powerrr last I saw him.

THANK YOU CENA!!!! *clap clap* THANK YOU CENA!!!!