Why did they bring her in when she's older than Bianca, Bayley, Sasha, etc, has been with the company for 5 years...

Why did they bring her in when she's older than Bianca, Bayley, Sasha, etc, has been with the company for 5 years, and is still shit in the ring, can't do anything, and not Io Shirai?

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Vince is a Chinese shill and hates Japan.

Cause she's hot as hell. D'uh.

>Vince is a Chinese shill
He neved pushed a single chinese wrestler though
>hates Japan
Even though he put belts on them multiple times
Can you explain your logic?

They've made their deal with China 7 years ago and have done jack shit since, it's a lost cause

Wasn't there a story about back when they brought in Gail Kim where Vince said something to the effect of "I didn't even know white guys thought Chinese women could be attractive." The concept of yellow fever never even occurred to him, his disdain of non-white women was that ingrained into his thought process.

He hired Joshi in the 90s and made them champion

He hired Yokozuna and Mabel too, I think you're missing my point user

Lo isn't worth a signle dime. She's good to keep the few smarks left in NXT 2.0 but the main roster needs people that can keep up in promos. Lo would be dead after one promo by Charles.


>but the main roster needs people that can keep up in promos
This is a dumb point since they called up Xia Li

I don't care if she's worth a dime or not, she's worth a penny, nickel, whatever more than fucking Xia Li dude

>Knowing Vince

>Charles goes off on a rant
>"fine speechu"
Charles can't out promo Io lmao

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She's sexy

Because she’s Chinese


Io mogs her in every single aspect and it's not close

Are you the lad in the Io and Kabuki threads who has a hate boner for the Chinese?

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You think it's one person?