Regal might be shoot dying

>New Observer: "Regal mentioned about having limited time left...Apparently Regal’s health issues at this stage are far more serious than have ever come out and there is an interview that will be released next week that he did for Talk is Jericho that will detail them"

Attached: William-Regal-AEW-Dynamite.png (1200x675, 1.17M)

I will be very sad if and when he does pass


Tiny recruited him so that when he dies gAyEW gets another ratings boost from it

happy he’s planning to spend his dying days with us and the boys rather than his family at least

WWE saved his life and he left us. Not saying this is God’s punishment but it realllllly makes you think, doesn’t it?

ANOTHER death angle, Tony?

Attached: 1641698475611.jpg (828x658, 240.95K)

Big Business Tony thinking long term

The sad part is it's true

for Dave to make that claim and Regal to make that claim in his promo, it better be actually true.

Does he even have a family?

He will then be known as "The Greatest Guy That Showed Up at the End of a Match and Rubbed His Head on Another Guy."


If this is true is rambling promo makes alot more sense.

I wouldn't be too surprised, dude had some pretty bad drug habits and has had complications with his heart

Fucking hell, they're gonna make him another Brodie and milk the cow all over again. Honestly sociopathic.

More like he got release because they knew he is dying or sick. Same reason jim ross got release.

Holy yikers - he was KWAB'd like Nash, right?

Holy shit E-Drones are sociopaths. Tony tries to take care of a guy that apparently isn't doing well, after the sloppy shop unceremoniously tossed him on his ass while he isn't doing well, and they project their own evil onto that.

>projecting a projection
Aewtism is a disease

WWE literally fired a dying man but AEW are the bad guys?

Does AEW even do medical evaluations before they hire someone?

>Big Swole - Crohns
>10 - Crohns
>Brodie Lee - Lungs
>Keith Lee - Heart issues
>Kyle o'Reilly - Diabetes
>Kylie Rae - Bipolar
>Adam Cole - Dwarfism
>Regal - Ded

Regal came to AEW because he wanted to fuck Tony Schiavone one last time.

>goes to AEW
>immediately has cum in lungs

>Adam Cole - Dwarfism
Atom Smol BTFO

You forgot Bryan's PTSD