The highest rated match onf Cagematch

The highest rated match onf Cagematch

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Ah yes, Ching Chong vs Bing Bong at Tiananmen square, who could forget this classic

stfu tranny

real man shit right there, back when wrestlers made killing themselves look believable.

They made it believable by actually killing each other

No one watched these two gay boomers

If you don't know who either of these legends are then you shouldn't belong on this board, nevertheless be a WWE fan

The series finale of professional wrestling.

It's my favorite match, the crowd was so into it.

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Lmao nigga no one cares about Dalai Lama and Vietnamese Rice farmer 12# or whoever the fuck these two old ass faggots are because they've never drawn a dime, beggin ya to get a clue

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>that big crowd
>not drawing
based retard

>Misawa was such a draw it killed him

NOAH has never drawn a dime, it's even more dimeless than AJPW.

based literal blind retard

I dont watch matches so i dont care

47 minutes and i bet its still nowhere near as entertaining as goldberg brock 3

Yeah user they drew like 16k people or whatever. Gets outdrawn by random In Your House PPVs from 1995, big deal lmao

they also sold out the Tokyo Dome multiple times.

they never sold out a football stadium like WWE so I don't care.

What was the storyline?

Loser gets executed by Mao Zedong

He’s lying, they never sold out the Tokyo Dome. Selling out football stadiums is beyond their dreams.

>He’s lying, they never sold out the Tokyo Dome.
Noah sure as hell did

It's even better and its not even close

lose weight

I've never watched this before. Who was the face and heel? What was the story here?

NJPW at its lowest during the 00’s was drawing more than NOAH and AJPW, it’s really funny watching the obese smelly Smarks jacking off to their small league gooks selling out sardine cans.