What happened to NJPW?

>record low profits
>record low NJPW world subscriptions
>literally nobody in the IWC is talking about New Japan anymore
It's been like this since early 2019. Why?

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Everything is on hold until Japan lifts restrictions on travel and gathering.

Also Evil as champ.

Gedo simply can't build stars anymore. He waited too long to pull the trigger on Naito and now he's sawdusted himself half to death and there's nobody else available who can step up.

EVIL being champ killed this company

Everyone realized that Stardom is the Michaels

Less and less people caring about wrestling

>since early 2019
Nice headcanon.

the VDS smarks dropped them for tranny shit. they used to cope about NXT being "not wwe", then when finn shinsuke and aj made it over to wwe they jumped to jamal, then dave told them to watch aew instead so they listen to their rabbi like good little sheep.

>unifying the titles
>going all in on Evil
>booking Evil to never win a match clean
>ending the lineage of the IWGP HebbyQ championship and replacing it with a toy belt
>putting the title on Kota Ibushi
>putting the title on Ospreay
>putting the title on Shingo who is a great worker but has no charisma
>putting the title back around the injured waist of Okada because he and Tanahashi are only stars they have

>>going all in on Evil
What were they THINKING

Okada being injured is pure Meltzer headcanon.

It maybe could've worked if they'd given EVIL some actual wins but literally every match had interference. Now they have an entire stable of guys who can't win matches without constant obnoxious cheating.

this, any time okada has a lackluster match it must be because he broke his back 5 minutes before his entrance.

>he’s bringing back the old belt bro I swear bro just two more weeks

Why would Okada continue to sawdust himself when he was de-emphasised? Gedo tried pushing new guys and for various reasons they all failed, now Okada is the champion again he's having great matches.

so he was sandbagging cause he wasnt the champ? what a piece of shit mark.

Smarks gave up and FOMO’d into AEW


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With the Japs, poor booking like Evil and HoT. With the westerners, AEW so they stopped pretending to like it.

What was Okada doing during Evil's reign of terror?

it's Shingo's fault