Kek what a failed actor

kek what a failed actor

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I’m not standing up for triple nose but being the casting director of wild hogs isn’t some outstanding achievement that warrants respect

Wild Hogs is one of the worst films I've ever seen so Hunter must've really stunk up that audition.

>my dad works for nintendo
kek what a kike faggot.

The fuck is a hog

ya mam hue hue

>Wild Moms
Hunter knows the good shit

A motorcycle or also a pig. This tweet was talking about a movie about a bunch of middle aged actors trying to be cool so they buy motorcycles

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Did any of these shitty WWE produced movies make money?

the marine, 12 rounds and see no evil.

blade trinity is a better movie than wild hogs


You only need to look at his attempt to play a good guy outside the ring.

They all did, eventually. This type of bargain bin fodder makes its money from syndication and Wal-Mart purchases from confused boomers. The 90s Street Fighter movie still makes a non-insignificant amount of money for Capcom every year.

>and then everyone in the class clapped

Pretty much this. WWE got really good at cornering that "straight to DVD" market. The movies themselves absolutely are not instant hits, but in the long run they always make a profit.

The Call made a bunch of money and not surprisingly it is not a WWE-lead film.

Do you think he was casting director for that one movie...

I remember Cena's 12 rounds being fucking kino. I should watch it again.

they are profitable almost every single time. the main reason they do them is to get the guys SAG insurance also.