Zoomer here

Was this guy actually a draw? Or was he just in an era filled with draws

Attached: Mick.jpg (1920x1988, 276.33K)

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He was willing to put his body on the line to help better men shine.

He was a legit draw.

prove it

Big draw. He was the average guy that good go toe-to-toe with the big dudes.
Also took some trully deranged bumps and was very humble for bonus points.

To this day WWE still shills his Raw segments drawing record ratings as why WWF won against WCW.

Not him but go watch his match as Cactus Jack VS Triple H. Hunter actually sells how fucking terrifying the Jack persona is.

WM16 Main Event
Foley and Rock get equal pops; crowd is dead silent for Show and HHH

era filled with draws but he could hold his own

He was the smark self insert

Not only was he a draw but a huge reason why the era itself and others became draws

still yet to prove anything


Attached: dl.jpg (518x633, 100.93K)

He popped a huge rating based on spoiler alone of him winning the WWF belt. Aside from Rock and Austin he was arguably the biggest star depending on how you feel about Carder.

Yeah he was a legitimate draw.

he was dimeless shitter
socko, however, had the stroke

You forgetting HHH?

Rock n sock connection was fun. I never liked any version of micks personas, but I definitely enjoyed his matches. Kurt v Shane is my all-time favorite match, mankind v undertaker is my 2nd


Go to bed Paul

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He was smark's choice during his Cactus Jack / Dude Love years but he became a mainstream draw as Mankind, especially after his HIAC with Undertaker

He was a draw until he started writing those stupid books.