Necro Butcher is supposedly cancer free and wrestling again

Necro Butcher is supposedly cancer free and wrestling again.

Attached: necrobutcherMARCH5.jpg (1022x529, 81.33K)

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Guess he didnt choose death

Necro Bump

Ironically, Necro Butcher is in the best physical shape out of everyone in that picture

watch the match if you want to laugh at the fat fucks in the crowd

Attached: people of wallmart.jpg (849x577, 77.63K)

This is just sad.

lmao this midget claims he was going to go kill Euronymouse

Necro looks alot better than what he looked like in 2020

how the fuck is this guy still going?

Attached: mygreatgrandfather.jpg (1118x1440, 106.48K)

Good for him.

Came to say this, glad he is doing better. I was sure he'd be dead by now, given how absolutely terrible he looked lately

Anyone who beats cancer is over with me, brother.

what the fuck is wrong with this guy
by all accounts he's an extremely intelligent guy, he certainly sounds like it, one of the most well spoken wrestlers out there, yet he does shit like this, even fucking cornette likes him so you know he had the potential to do more with his career

He's probably depressed and has nothing to live for outside of wrestling since his family left him

Mostly this.

Necrobutcher got Inoki’s approval.

back in his prime, I feel that this guy would have been a decent hand in any company bar wwe
big insane drunk redneck doing stupid shit, certainly deserved better than a lifetime of outlaw deathmatch shit

kinda surprised TNA never tried doing anything with him, the fans would already know him and he would have gotten over big time in a feud with abyss

maybe he was on heavy drugs, an addict so far gone even tna wouldnt touch him, who knows

He has been wrestling since late 2019. I saw one of his first matches back in Shadow WX's MLW. It was sad as fuck at the time because Necro was so fucking skinny you could see his ribs. Glad to see he is putting some weight back on, I just hope he doesn't kill himself in the ring.

Deathmatch is based.