This is honestly just bland at this point

This is honestly just bland at this point

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Ya seethe, dronie?

seethe harder

bahahahahahha cry more e-drone

I'm a huge Jeff mark so I still popped. I started watching TNA because of him

Not a drone but unless he actually gets to do cool shit jumping off ladders again I literally don’t care
Same but I don’t want wwe hardy run 2.0
I think it’d be cool if he didn’t something with house of black not this gay hfo shit

I don't care if you're seething over Jeff in AEW or what, he's forever based for carnying out of his WWE contract

>Not a drone
Ok drone

So far their only cool moments in the past 3 years have been ex-wwe guy debuts and ex-wwe guy vs Kenny Omega lmao

Good signing. The Hardys belong together and maybe this will stop Matt from doing anymore of that stupid shit he does when he's left to his own devices. Hope he doesn't sawdust or fall off the wagon is all.

Yeah debuts are cutting it anymore for me.

Stfu tranny aewtist
Aew isn’t always good and this shit came off like the last 5 years of Hardy’s career which is gay
The only thing he can do is teach the spot monkeys in dark to actually do their spots with meaning instead of randomly doing moved

This is why you’re cultists

I'm sure it's just their first feud, Hardys are one of the greatest tag teams of all time. Even broken down I doubt they'll be feuding with Butcher and Blade or Private Party for the next 3 months

e drones malding tonight kek

brutal botch

Yeah it used to be cool when we saw the sign. Now it's just okay. Jeff vs Darby kino is upon ourselves at least

Fucking kek at Darbys face staring at Jeff like a mark.

I think my issue is his last wwe run it was wwe championship or bust
Matt is so shit he can’t do anything on his own so now Jeff suffers. But also Jeff isn’t good enough to wrestle in the top of aew unless he’s with a really good worker who will let him get his shit in.
I want edgy hardy back and I’d actually prefer Jeff vs Darby over geriatric sting and geriatric matt
If we get a few ladder matches with Jeff and a singles run like Christian got I’ll be satisfied
But with Matt I doubt it. They’re gonna do bucks vs Hardy’s at the next big pocket guaranteed so maybe Jeff can get back in form by then

>This is honestly just bland at this point

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You fucked up! You fucked up! You fucked up!

We still have Claudio, John Hennigan, and Samoa Joe to get through.

Aewtist this is culminating to a bland Hardy’s run to them losing to the bucks which we’ve seen before in roh
You’re literally getting fed a rerun

Now say that without crying

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