>continuously has underwhelming matches that tend to be among the worst on the whole cards
When's he gonna realize it's time to hang up his boots?

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Christian needs a heel run with the TNT title before hes done.

>>continuously has underwhelming matches that tend to be among the worst on the whole cards
>When's he gonna realize it's time to hang up his boots?

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>Ethan Page's future is brighter than some of Chris Jericho's jackets
Page fucking sucks

What the writer wrote
>Christian looked great
>Page looked out of his depth
>Nobody thought Page was winning
>Page is not credible
Not sure what OP read


damn that buried Ethan Page

>3 downs
Oh boy Sidgwick won't like this

>Everything in the article is Page's fault
Dumb retard

Julian is a shitty wrestler.

>Page, the tag-teamer, looked every bit like someone who was out of his depth for 90% of the match
that's harsh for Ethan.
I though the match was very good; sounds like the mark who wrote the article had way too high expectations? It was like an 8-minute TV match what did he think he was getting?

In fairness to OP, and I'm putting on my high school paper editor hat for this one, that third paragraph (if you can call it one) is a joke from a context standpoint. The first sentence is fine but the second is a mess.
>The tag-teamer looked out of his depth...
Who looked out of their depth, Christian or Page? The tag-teamer? They're both tag-teamers (albeit Christian has been more of manager). If you didn't watch the match or aren't up to date with the roster, you have no idea who the writer is talking about. This is shit writing.
OP is still a fag though for trying to blame the Peepgod.

>josh alexander's jannetty
>has a bright future
what did whatcuckture mean by this

>Page has been in a tag team with Scorpio Sky for the last year
>Christian hasn't been in a tag team since like 2003

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prior to AEW, Page was in a tag team for a while with Josh Alexander. I think Christian's last tag team partner was Chris Jericho almost 20-years ago

Christian is the ultimate pleb filter in wrestling. I hate AEW tag matches, but every singles match he's had there and in Impact over the past year was fantastic. Well-worked and make perfect sense given his opponent and the time they're given. This match was exactly what a 10-minute match between a guy at Christian's level and a guy at Page's level should have been.

Half of his matches in the company have been teaming with Jurassic Express faggot.

No idea why Ethan Page is signed. What is his gimmick? He’s a decent wrestler? AEW has enough guys that are ‘good’. Same for Tony Nese, complete wastes of money.

>wrestling in trios and 4v4 and 5v5 matches means you're now forever a tag team partner with those guys!
that's not being in a tag team, retard.
by your logic, that means literally everybody would be classified as a tag team guy.

the match was good. IDK what the dude who wrote that is talking about. was he thinking it was gonna be a 20-minute spot fest with all the stops or.....?

I'm always dubious about reviews where they say someone was "out of their depth" or similar and never actually give any examples of what this actually meant.

From a behind-the-scenes POV, you generally find that the face looking really good is contingent on the heel being a good worker who is in the right place at the right time to sell, and who sells well. So if they thought Christian looked good, it actually means Page did his job well.