Is NXT racist? The two black guys being used as Mandy's servants seemed to hurt a lot of feelings...

Is NXT racist? The two black guys being used as Mandy's servants seemed to hurt a lot of feelings, especially coming so soon after their special month.

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>black fragility doesn't exis-

there is literally sexual tension in this shit and they are complaining? are black men gay? BLACKEDbros... are we losing?

niggers heh

acting like virgins is embarrassing

Yes, that's why I like it.

>two blacks act like literal children from the jungle who've never seen a white woman before
>used as lowly servants while Mandy acts aloof
>he thinks this is sexual tension
Blacks are complaining because they're being mocked.

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i hope you didn't name that file chud

bro, those blacks are always having one of the members of that faction touching them.
Again, blacks are being gay because they fed a white woman grapes

Posts like this make me hate niggers

Blacks don't represent Twitter.

These niggers are lucky to have any representation in wrestling now they can shut the fuck how and feed their massa grapes like a good slavey

joggers just love to bitch and moan that's their MO since they came here in the US. Jogger Americans have weak fragility and it shows.

Do they massage her feet?


Based. Post clip so I can coom

>especially coming so soon after their special month
This is like when redditors shit on someone for dating an 18yo.
>omg! she was only 17 a year ago!


I hate black people so fucking much. Theyve become completely intolerable the last four years. Lets just give them $400, a boat, and tell them to fuck off and make their Wakanda. Then nuke it

E-Bros we're getting cancelled

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They are fucking kings dammit. KINGS.

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Blacks are such sensitive pussies.

White people get mad over their rights being abused and over people threatening to drive them out of existence, blacks rage because someone said "nigger" or cuz a fictional black character isn't being portrayed as perfect.

Twitter threads are the Any Forums equivalent to "this town sucks." It's cheap heat and it's lame. No one with a brain uses Twitter so getting worked by it is no better than causal marks getting worked by "this town sucks."

>I hate black people so fucking much.
Everyone hates black people including black people as well.

Are all american blacks fucking autistic? I swear each and every single one of them says "kaaangz" like its a tic


Billion dollar companies and politicians get worked by twitter, so like it or not, it matters.

>Blacks are such sensitive pussies.
>White people get mad over their rights being abused and over people threatening to drive them out of existence, blacks rage because someone said "nigger" or cuz a fictional black character isn't being portrayed as perfect.

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>niggers ruining a brat femdom gimmick
fuck em

They legit really do believe Kangs and Wakanda shit in Africa and Egyptian nubian shit for generations. I wonder why no Egyptian stood up and spit at them for being useless subhumans.