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Bear Case Edition


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pretty sure no one saw this
so I went semi retarded and bought 10k shares Bitnile NILE at .8, then immediately sold 2$ JAN 24 calls for .5. over all risk is .3 per share and looks like there is a divy down the road when some EV charging company goes public. the instant 62.5% return was pretty awesome.

Hopefully I dont lose, but looks like max loss is 2400$ if they go to zero or 24k if I get exercised. Was this a decent investment?

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I'm going to build a 5600x+3070 with the oil gains I trimmed out awhile ago

im so excited bros, in a couple months I think I'll be able to get a 3070 at only $50 or something above MSRP (im a leaf, right now the best deals are around US$650 for a 3070)
dont want a 3070 ti since I'm building in a mini ITX or else i'll get a housefire

i havent built a new desktop for 6 years because of this crypto bullshit, thank you pos so eth will be less profitable

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why is crypto finally done

Shilling Bee vectoring. Using bees and a patented biological agent (cr-7) to reduce fungus and increase crop yield. Recently announced completion of basedbean seed treatment with CR-7. Preliminary results indicate 10% improvement in basedbean yield. Thats all im saying, DYOR, nigger

I've been accumulating large amounts of RKLB for months and have been loving every bit of it.

>Dow climbs more than 100 points as Wall Street begins second quarter on a positive note

So these are the headlines from yesterday? If it wasn't for that last minute pump all the indices would've been red ffs. That pump was just for headlines and sentiment?

Can someone redpill me on Bayhorse?

Is it legit or some NAK tier scam?

>tfw finally got around to selling the IVR stock my dumbass has been hodling and dumped it into ET
>tfw aiming for at least 500 shares by may

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they sell gravel and lose money doing it, unironically worse than NAK, NAK wanted to actually mine.

A man named greame used Any Forums to pump his bags so he could fuck ladyboys in Thailand.

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>cannabis passed the house

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i dont really understand but GPUs are normalizing and stock is more readily available because not as many miners are buying up GPUs
something about proof-of-stake coming and becoming less profitable

for the record i never touched crypto (hence why im still here with u poorfags) so i only know the buzzwords
zen 3+ CPUs getting a price cut since zen 4 is coming out soon so thats good as well, not that they were ever bloated in price like GPUs were, but still nice

im so excited, i can finally play autistic shit like Stellaris at max size settings, and maybe new games but im not really interested in any of the new games

Thanks user

Reminder that uranium could feed the world a million times over

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>the bond market is running for the hills
I'm surprised that we're still pumping into this.

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Hey I did the research. You suck shit through a straw. Manga mining is Canadian company which we all know is a no-no. And secondly it’s a penny shit stock. With a y/y net income of (2899.98)% looking at -2.07m cashflow

>Oh god the bonds are inverting. Why isn't the recession starting? The signal is here. We should have the recession right now. Why isn't it here yet?

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wait, which one is a dude?

the more i learn about farming situations the more i want to start hoarding food and seeds desu.

>nothing amiss with spy nearing ath and a recession likely happening later this year
>10 year treasuries nearing 3%, 7 rate hikes this year, commodities being super expensive, war in europe, supply chains being shit and biden being in charge are also not issues
Reasonably, the bulls who keep buying should be buying the top.

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Buy bulk whole grains if you want to make it

If theyre selling bonds couldnt they just put it into equities?

all of these things are simultaneously true. The market is a game of hot potato. Or musical chairs. The music will stop when it stops.

prices for all the food i buy increased last week.

>whole grains
for planting or for eating?

people arent selling bonds exactly, theyre selling the 2 year and buying the 10year like crazy.

>planting or eating
Hopefully eating, but in a worst case scenario could try planting them

one on the right

For the life of me I can't see why I shouldn't go balls deep into ZIM.

>swimming in cash
>P/E under 2
>probably going to keep paying crazy dividends
>no end in sight for the supply chain issues while the demand won't subside

What's the catch here? Why isn't the stock above $100? Is a recession priced in into their stock price?

Ohhh so on spreads its the falling yield is the top variable being sold for the bottom and when yield curve is rising its the bottom being sold and the top bought right? Is there a way to find the formula for the yield curve plot? Every time i try to google it i get news articles not actual fed math.

Don't shipping companies tend to be pretty shady?

The 20-year yield is also higher than the 30-year yield.