This webm is the reason why i support Klaus Schwab and his economic vision. People are evil by it's nature...

This webm is the reason why i support Klaus Schwab and his economic vision. People are evil by it's nature. There are no good people exist on this earth, only people who too weak to commit evil actions. The elite were right. People have to be enslaved.

Attached: AverageHuman.webm (196x360, 2.9M)

I thought it was funny.


Fuck (((Ukraine))) and their Jew President and Jew Prime Minister.


soldier taunting someone that died i think

good, fuck russia

>Fuck (((Ukraine))) and their Jew President and Jew Prime Minister.

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Putin oughta just nuke these hohol faggots already. Hes being too gentle.

Nice try kike

appears that Ukie soldier found a phone in the pocket of a dismembered Russian soldier and he face timed the gf/wife/sister or some female that was in his phone to say that he found the phone and he goes on to tell her all about the body and the head being where the ass is.

Russian bits out strong today

I am for this sentiment. I was a technocrat humanist but the nature of man will consume itself l. It must be controlled with fear and pain or else we will repeat our mistakes. I 100% support evil greedy Jews because the other side is just as shit.

That guy will regret that for the rest of his life

people will say that "its human nature" as if humans are special but its only really just nature, nature doesn't care about morals or ideals, in the end even what "the elite" is trying to do is vain.

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these are military dogs, what do you expect from those who chose killing other people as their career ?

These people come from a specific background. This is not NATO or USA contract army where some people might go there to defend their comfy lifestyle or as a social lift from poverty into 6 figures. Ukraine and Russian soldiers are paid shit: $500-$700 a month for Russia and even less with Ukraine. Both countries are corrupt shitholes with oligarchy formed in the 90s after expropriating soviet industries and more than half of the people living below poverty line. So what kind of retard would go die for $500 a month (which any russian IT monkey makes in a week) for a corrupt government that shits on them daily and tries to build USSR 2.0 gulag under china with zero freedom ? Only the dumbest low IQ of the breed, which are usually the cruelest and most animalistic kind of people grew up in slums with alcoholic parents with their best prospect to become a junkie or rot in jail for some crime.

>People are evil by it's nature. There are no good people exist on this earth, only people who too weak to commit evil actions.

That's why everyone needs Jesus Christ as their saviour.

If the vision is not compatable with nature its not a vision, its a dream.
Dreams end.
Nature will not suffer any laws but her own.

You would know this if you had philosophy or even bothered to sit quietly and think for a day.


memetically checked

Checked and truthpilled

The soldier is cruel, but Alexandr should have put a better lock on his mobile phone (Why would they be allowed to take that into combat?)

based and checked

So we're living in the Sensui Arc from YuYu Hakusho? With a little luck the Demon World arc is next, at least

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