What if the schizos are right

what if the schizos are right
what if there is bigger things going on and they can see the patterns of it

is it smart to invest where the schizos are investing as a sort hedge bet in case they're right?

I'm reading some schizo blogs like
from some post and it's saying "declass" is soon

so what would happen if all the schizo stuff came true?
things like btc would crash and xrp would moon from what I read on Any Forums threads

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>btc would crash
haircomb takes over

user your mental state is slipping take care of yourself okay

there's a lot of money to be made keeping track of the schizo investors

meh they tend to overthink it. the lower level you think the better youll do trading

Gave it a real college try to read that link and it's true schizo retard

user, it's all true, even the stuff that will never happen. You know how normies succeed in spite of the fact that the world has been just about to end for the past 2000 years? It's because they know it's all true and don't care, and decide to adopt the most comfortable normie persona for their circumstances to ride out the waves. Just do this and you will be free from the endless searching.

Is this how XRP schizos start? It was over the moment they gave banks their own separate chain. It's been over for years. Get over it. SWIFT blah blah blah you had to have been there for it. There's money to be made elsewhere.

where though
only the schizos have an alternative investing pattern
everyone else just invest on high price number coin like btc and eth without any deeper research

Interesting isnt it? How the yield inverted and stayed inverted on the new year? What a coincidence? Happy new year!

how long do we have

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the world is a lot more boring and uncaring than you schizos imagine, sorry

Do you really believe this?

It's basically a cargo cult of midwits aping the language of some intelligent dissidents, somehow interpreting a qritique of elites as those elites being omnipotent.

The world is incredibly interesting and perplexing once you peel back a few layers of social conditioning, but it's also incredibly complex and unpredictable.

better than believing media version of events

ukraine is falling apart
their sanction attack on russia hasn't resulted in anything but a stronger russia

now people can switch off the central banking usd controlled system to any financial structure and survive
it's only a matter of time till a new bridge asset is chosen

>what if the schizos are right
yeah no shit...

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>so what would happen if all the schizo stuff came true?
go all in silver, it's a schitzo favorite

Shit thread not a single valuable idea in all these words. Schizos in training are even more annoying that the trained ones

there you go schizos go again, your narcissism fueling your delusions, you're not smart