DEUS has burnt 10% of it's circulating supply in the past few weeks and 30% or it's circulating supply in the past 2...

DEUS has burnt 10% of it's circulating supply in the past few weeks and 30% or it's circulating supply in the past 2.5 months. The more it goes up in price the faster the supply burns. This is insane.

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I do wish they did a 1:1,000,000 split to attract the dogecoin retards tho

is it too late to buy in

Eh the marketcap is incorrect on coingecko and CMC. The actual marketcap is below 100M. I think because of the below 100M real marketcap and the fact that there is crazy reduction in circulating supply going on, means this could still do like a 20x before getting to 1B. So I don't think it's too late, just DCA and you can also lock the DEUS for over 100% APY

To elaborate, if you lock it up that's like a 40x in a year if it goes to 1B. Who knows what will happen though. Honestly I think they may have actually managed to crack the meme-pumpanomics tokenomics finally and this could be bigger than anyone realizes.

Excited for the veDeus borrowing

followed this over a year ago, checked recently and theres still no synthetic stocks to trade?

i thought that was the entire point?

and why do niggers come here shilling their shitcoin and not even give a basic rundown wtf it is

what exactly is deus doing to burn their coins?

It has a lot of fantom hype but there's no working product
still seems to be a VC slow rug

which VCs?

DEUS was supposed to be synthetics shit but their tokenomics started pumping then like crazy before any real synthetics platforms started. It got a life of its own because of the burn rate and the bribes and the LP and borrowing. Basically it created a perpetual motion machine of gains by accident and nobody gives a duck about it's original mission any more. Basically you can get crazy APY from DEI but in order to get DEI you need to permanently burn DEUS and most DEUS is locked for years for the APY that comes from locking, so the supply keeps shrinking while demand keeps growing. This has got to slow down eventually, but when? 100M? 1B? 10B? And for how long before the effect starts again?

i mean its already done a 30x, why cant right now be a stopping point?

you're clearly in pure euphoria mode - where everyone expects it to just go up forever

what usually follows next is a 1-2 bear market. good luck

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It might be a stopping point; I listed 100M (current real marketcap) as a possible stop. But i doubt it, the burn hasn't slowed down and the circulating supply is still shrinking every day. Nobody listened to me a month ago and now everybody is saying "it's too late". We'll see what happens but I think people who think they missed out should still grab a suicide stack to avoid the pain if it continues to go up.

i mean you kinda just admitted the entire's project purpose is still nowhere to be seen and its purely pumping off ponzinomics, which never lasts.

buying a straight up chart is suicide, theres 5000 other cryptos you can buy that offer better risk vs reward

holding through a straight up chart is the same thing as buying btw. so if you look at deus' chart and think thats a good spot to buy, well you do you and keep holding, hope it goes up forever.

but most coins i see tend to not go up forever.

DEI is a fractional reserve stablecoin collateralized partially by DEUS. Read about Iron Finance.

I'm not trying to pressure you to buy but just because it went up doesn't mean that it's risk/reward is garbage. Id rather buy in a coin that pumped to 100M marketcap and is burning it's supply rapidly than a coin with no tokenomics that's been flat at 50M for months.
If course it's very easy to get burned by buying a vertical chart, but just be careful not to be caught in the "the roulette wheel landed on black 6 times in a row, it can't land on black anymore" thinking.

deus was $20 2 months ago.

It's been going straight up for a month now though. Your logic would've had you selling at $100. That kind of defeats the purpose of buying small/mid cap crypto if you have no intention of trying to get 100X's. I would've avoided my 400X on Matic if I used that logic.
I do agree with you though on being apprehensive about a vertical chart. I'd still get a suicide stack if I were you so you don't regret it incase it doesn't stop soon.

deus will collapse at 2k
check it