Banzai Pack:

April 5th, 2022

Attached: WWE2K22-DLC01.png (1318x1318, 2.85M)

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why did they put umaga in with a bunch of japanese wrestlers

Is this legit?

No way Satomura or Sarray will be in this

>Ah so....

Xia and Yokuzuna arent Japs LOL this is so fucking insensitive

First off faggot it’s YOU MANGA
2nd i don’t know

They have the same model as Io. Different hair and costume

Kek watch it just be Yokozuna and some psuedo japanese character creation cosmetic items

Fake news you faggot

>want Toxic Attraction
>get this

If they put 3 non Japanese wrestlers with two Japanese ones and call it Banzai Pack then holy shit is that fucking stupid from 2k, you could probably only stretch this to yokozuna

does vince think samoans are asian?

would be fucking hilarious if this happened

they’re not?

samoa isn't a part of asia

Here’s Sarray’s render apparently someone’s lobby glitched and showed a bunch of DLC women
Looks like
Xia Li
And Kacy are possible DLC

Link to the lobby renders

Attached: 8B68B70F-1123-4D4C-9836-0BC70FC92CAD.jpg (612x841, 49.35K)

Shame it didn't glitch all the women out of the game

It's fake. They made CAWs and used custom renders. Stacy's name isn't even spelled right

I thought so since Kacy’s rating is fucking 80 that’s higher than some of their main girls. Although I still hope for Sarray being dlc

But they also have the “purchase” icon above them which makes me think they might be legit but who knows they’re dropping the first dlc pack this weekend during mania

Xia Li is very likely. She's mentioned in MyRise as one of the MMA superstars when you choose your background, which indicates she was in the game then took out to be sold later.

YES can't wait to rip Sarray's model!

I could believe they misspelled Stacy's name.
It is fake though, if your gonna go and fake that put Benoit in on something.

Sarray want a playstation

Indi is also mentioned during Candice’s entrance so she’s likely

Even though she has done no MMA LOL

I think she did some amateur stuff in China. There was also an incident a year or two ago where she went behind WWE's back and took an outside booking for a fight, but they found out and pulled her at the last minute.

She has no record anywhere, archives still look for amateur/unsanctioned fights. And the event she was trying to do was for kickboxing