Was this a real thing ? it's completly out of news stream with ukraine's burger...

Was this a real thing ? it's completly out of news stream with ukraine's burger , we are just gonna forget about the last 2 years and go back to the wagie cagie ? how can i profit from this ?

Attached: 23235.png (224x165, 73.68K)

>tfw completely unmasked, untested, unvaxxed through this entire charade

Attached: 1474939388986.jpg (640x480, 40.82K)

Real but like most epidemics eventually washed away. Cases are at a fairly low level compared to previous periods. People who are vaccinated no longer give a shit if they infect others. A lot of people died between December and Feb (90% of them unvaxxed) and so most unvaxxed people who WERE going to die are now dead. I don't think we'll see another wave, personally. Just more unvaxxed people slowly dying off at the same rate is other common death causes.

Absolutely based. It's funny they made such a big shit show over all of this and now it literally doesn't even matter. I almsot lost my job for that vax shit and now it's like it never even happened

>Just more unvaxxed people slowly dying off at the same rate is other common death causes.
imagine being this delusional
jew subhuman
You WILL be hanged
that is, if you don't die of prion's disease your demonic mRNA gene therapy first

phenomenally based

nah, they are bringing it back with a vengeance later this year, this is just a breather for the retarded public which already was on the verge of open revolt, so that the brutally complete curtailing of any sort of freedom and/or privacy that is coming will be somewhat easier to accept.

Unless the faggots organising this shit get imprisoned and or minecrafted in the meantime, expect a fucking hot autumn this year

It was just another narrative to control the cattle goyim, nothing more.

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>imagine being this delusional
>jew subhuman
>You WILL be hanged
>that is, if you don't die of prion's disease your >demonic mRNA gene therapy first

This is something you wrote.

This, but they'll wait until after the elections and then push it hard. Especially if Republicans make big gains in the Senate and House like they're expected to.

>Oceania is no longer at war with East Asia, we are now at war with Eurasia

Lmao, fucking retard

It's real for me since my cucked workplace put me on leave without pay "until such a time you comply"

it's all about complying.

absolutely lol at all the idiots now developing cancer from faulty vaccines while covid now officially is a nothing burger and pharmajews already plotting the next big thing

((covid)) will keep happening until every fucking 5G tower burns down, remember that influenza happened when there was an excess of solar radiation

Attached: 5gandCOVID.png (2552x1108, 601.88K)

It was, but was highly exaggerated by the media to give room in cattle's head for more government power. It'll probably be brought back to life a few more times later this year, fearmongering is pretty lucrative to news networks

Diseases aren't caused by invisible organism. Viruses are so fake that scientists can't agree if they are living things or dead things, I say they are fake things. A fish gets sick when you don't clean their tank. It's the dirtiness of the environment.

Yeah that shit is real. I caught it. Never getting the jab though.

Nobody gives a shit about covid, even in the liberal SF bay area. It was all a boogey-man-of-the-day for the media to get clicks.

Attached: sfgate.png (841x767, 192.05K)

It's partly due to not just newspapers dying, but all news/journalism companies. Trump was a shot in the arm, covid was a manufactured panic to get rid of Trump and keep revenues up, now Ukraine is the hot topic. The news companies will keep manufacturing problems to keep people following the news until enough people are fed up with it, the companies finally all collapse, and we can get back to our lives.

I still am "losing" my job. Refused the vax, got threatened with dishonorable discharge, then they gave me honorable, now I don't even have to mask or test. Complete fucking joke. Only thing I'm even mad about is they ended telework, though, I miss that a lot.

I feel like the recent years has just been them bragging about how much control they have over the average normie. Why do they do it? Is it part of the demoralization agenda, or do they believe that they've already won and are now just rubbing it in?

No. It was/is the normal flu + placebo + vaccine side effects.