It’s just so crazy how NFTs and P2Es as well as DAOs are taking over the whole blockchain space these days...

It’s just so crazy how NFTs and P2Es as well as DAOs are taking over the whole blockchain space these days. These are fucking incredible concepts but my lazy ass brain is telling me that DAO projects could make a significant impact in the future because, damn it, I’m tired of getting controlled by a centralized entity.

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P2E projects are just a bubble and Pozi scheme shit. Won't last that long

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I hate to admit it, but I believe DAO is the future of Web3.

Why work a normal job when you can work in your video games for pennies? Ofc you would think that and some jpegs are amazing concepts, since you are a terminally online incel who never leaves his basement. If you parasites had the option to straight up get into a pod and plug into the matrix i bet you would do it in a heartbeat. L

Braindead fucking financier gambling scamming schizos the lot of you. So much bootlicking and Any Forums and rightoid propaganda has rotten your brain and your hearts to such an extent that there is no possibility for mending. Keep loving capitalism and the simulation user. Im also in for the long ride. Let's see who wins. Mother Earth or the simulation (matrix)?

You squander your time playing shit for a few cents. Purchase some BTC and become a wealthy user.

Any Forums Any Forums themselves giving a free promo for bitcoin and dogecoin is weird. Are the devs working for doge as well?

Never hate a fact because it'll consume the hell out of you, faggot. We are all transforming our life to DAO. My Squid Squad DAO ass is telling me that's the future

your lazy brain hasn't told you that it is incredible difficult to set up a DAO and a lot of manpower is needed

It's at your own risk, Faggot. Nothing in this world is free. You can become a dev and build web3 dapps if you move your fucking ass and work harder.

What if I can't? You filthy Bitcoin maxi. Altcoins make more money now especially low cap gem ones that nobody is talking about

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Mother fucker

its no fucking future fag! where will you get people to help transform into a DAO?

Projects like MakerDAO, Yearn, and Sushi have proven that this form of governance works well, Jeet.

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Poor Pajeet. I'd rather join a new project and be an early adopter, reaping all the benefits such as ambassadorship and so on, than join an already overcrowded train.

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You are late on the BTC fag, you gotta go for other utility coins, you cannot make it with the BTC now, can it ever do 10x anytime soon? but a good utility token can! I'm currently following subsquid, one the token is out I ape in, its data indexing protocol is already in use by polkadot, moonbeam network, crust network. token like that can give me 10x or more.


The open ocean council program is is one of the most DAOed ambassador program I've ever seen out there. DAO is really kicking in

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It'll be dead cool if you can shut the fuck up and move on with your miserable life instead of defending who doesn't even know your dirty self

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On what I've read, the number of potential use cases in Subsquid is truly limitless, roughly equal to the number of use cases in the Substrate framework itself.

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shut it, dummy. DAO is the government of the future, I'm currently in subsquid's ambassador program where I qualified to join the team in making them a DAO, applications are still open, so you should join and make some money to get some education!

Hell yeah because the motherfucker calls the fuck out of you. You're among the crypto capitalists REKTing investors off their hard earned money

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Dev is a luxuries business Faggot. They now have a new opportunities to design web3 dapps using powerful subsquid tools.

Mention the damn use cases, jeet. Instead of ranting

Retard, I bet you wouldn't even qualify to get into the ambassador program, even though you don't need any qualifications but you are just dumb ask fuck.

Yes user. I heard they re gradually decentralize the decision making process through the child's DAO and hand it over to token holders and indexers.

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