Holy shit! What do you say user?

Holy shit! What do you say user?

Attached: FNTgv_XWQAA2O75.jpg (1920x1080, 199.99K)

>You get to cuck Bobo


Attached: FNTlz5xXEAERAsQ.jpg (1920x1080, 255.02K)

How is this real lmao

based as fuck

>i hate being ripped apart by Bobby's beast cock, i want YOU, user!

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It’s a video game

who tf wrote this game? the bimbo and the BBC are together and you get involved?

I didn't save it but shit you not there's one where Sasha says "I don't wrestle fans"

Damn. I gotta make a black CAW now for stories like this

she only fucks them.


This looks like one of those phone games that get spammed on Instagram.

topkek did one of us do the writing for this game?

any other romance options?
can this be any 2 people on the roster?

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>user loves black cock more than black women
oh no lmao how does this happen?

Join them without a second though, love me some bimbos.

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Reminds me of HCTP

>Andrea Listenberger, Senior Narrative Designer

Attached: MV5BYzg2NjIwZmEtY2U5ZC00Njk1LThiOWQtMzgxYWYyYzUxY2EzXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMjc0MDE2MTY@._V1_.jpg (1148x1849, 361.17K)

...wait, I'm black and so are my characters

of course

of course, Any Forums is always right.

So they failed to continue providing aspects already in the series, but were able to introduce IR and ccuckold shit. This game was made by Jews, I KNEW IT!

i swear this is an angle in every wrestling game i've ever played.

based cuck angle

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>you get to date Big Momma Pump
oh fuck yeah

miro hiding his boner in the pic