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those idiots could of had the majority of europe and america by the balls by now, why the fuck wouldnt they go hardline on the ruble deal

zerohedge mentioned yesterday Russia's at capacity for natural gas/oil storage; so turning off the pipeline is just throwing away gas/oil.
backing off this requirement will really hurt the ruble.

Z sisters....
what went wrong?

they are waiting for winter?

America strikes back

Russians are just better people than Europeans. In time Europe will pay in rubles, but Germany would simply not survive an abrupt cut in gas.

>Germany would simply not survive an abrupt cut in gas
who told you that? russian state media?

Can you Link the article?
Aren't they only talking about their specific payment system?

They gave a deadline on April 1st.
It's getting closer 100%


Its fairly confusing.
>They don't necessarily have to pay in roubles
But that doesn't mean that the gas would continue to flow though
If the proposal was rejected by Germany in general doesn't the plan to turn off the pipeline still remain in effect?

Oof. It's almost like Russia needs EUs money more than EU needs Russian gas.

no pay = no gas

Why would Russia need EU money?if they're sanctioned anyways it's not like Russians can spend the euros anyways?

Any Forums in absolute bits and, you guessed it, wrong again!

This unless China is war profiteering as a middle man.


Attached: 1574624642336.jpg (480x626, 36.69K)

>Steal your sovereign assets
>Cut off your banks
>Force all western companies to leave to create massive unemployement
>Still sell them gas for freshly printed monopoly money

Didn't expect Putin to be such a pussy bitch

This. If they shut down the pipelines then it'll take a lot of effort to get them back on. If Europe doesn't agree to buy in Rubles, Russia only hurts themselves.

Kek. No we aren't.

Short term pain to get on the gold standard? If Russia pulls this off, the west and world at large is literally changed overnight.
