This board used to be all about gemhunting and informative threads on various gems

This board used to be all about gemhunting and informative threads on various gems.
It used to unironically be a great spot to get alpha.
What the fuck happened?

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There's alpha, you just need to know where to look

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you are just a newfag so behave accordingly

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treasure marketplace on arbitrum

Am I?

I only care about link. Indian scamcoins are dumb. Btc and eth threads are alright. Off topic threads are best. Wish we just banned everyone who makes non-link, non-btc, non-eth, and non-off topic threads. I don't give a shit.

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Airdrop me one of these, user. I want to be in on gooeys so hard omg

People have moved on to reddit. There is only so much racism one can tolerate before saying enough is enough and it's time for a change.


Who would want alpha on shit like dogebunk?

i could give you a clever answer instead, or a hot take, but it's as simple as everyone thinks it is.
i'm so fucking tired.

dog season happened. dog coins outperformed every "muh fundamentals" coin we spent sifting through garbage to find. at that point, it became known that fundamentals are irrelevant, and all that matters is incessant shilling.

It's true in a bull market. Those smart enough to cash out their doggy scams won. Anyone who didn't find their seat will eat shit when the music stops. There are only so many coins that will weather the bear market and the bear market after the next bull run.

can you point a fag in the right direction of this alpha?

You retards keep ignoring actual gems like Aavegotchi

Well newfags came in and took over the fucking space.
Still got my eyes on gems with a p2e model like Cometh where i can mine NFTs and still stake to earn rewards, I am still searching out for more on here and making use of the opportunity.

are you me

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My guess is most alpha is now being coveted by groups/syndicates of faggot ct groups in private channels. Whereas in the past everything was out in the open, leddit, here, bitcointalk, etc. Now these faggot marketers are hogging all communication to their "inside clubs".

I do not blame them though as competition is now fierce in crypto land. Especially the "turn 10k into 500k in 10 months" crypto land.

The other thing that's changed is just how vast the crypto market is. look how many EVM chains there are complete with copy-paste DeFi apps with their own ecosystems of copy-paste shitcoins. Crypto is now an ocean. In the past the ocean crypto themes of whales, shrimp and plankton were memes but now it is more of a fact. There simply is too many coins and too much information to aggregate in a 24/7 365 global market. In 2017 it was as simple as buying a shitcoin randomly and waiting for 1 idiotic announcement of a partnership, exchange listing or mainnet date and you would get a 3x in minutes. Rinse and repeat. Nowadays, you have to be early with the RIGHT shitcoin and no single announcement will give you the gains. You have to hold the shitcoin through thick and thin to get real gains.

I've completely given up on crypto gambling. The newbies/zoomer faggots/nft faggots/twitter faggots and dog coin 3rd worlders have sucked up all the cheap liquidity and free alpha.

If you aren't a brainlet you need to do what I am doing and actually build shitcoins/flip them/ rinse and repeat. The time for looking for gold has ended and now is the moment of shovel selling to the normies and brainlets.

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I wouldn't be able to sum up the current state better, gj user, it's a shame this thread will die unseen and poor scavengers won't see the truth you are offering.
