So is the gold standard anti-Kike or pro-Kike?

So is the gold standard anti-Kike or pro-Kike?
I thought modern fiat high finance is the most Jewish but based Henry Ford thought the gold standard was a Jewish cage for Goyim.

So which one is it?

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henry legit wanted an energy-based currency.
he would've been a btc maxi

the constant economic crises engendered by metal monetary systems were the basis for the colonial wars, culminating in ww1 and ww2 and finally escaped at bretton woods, except a critical error was made tying the international unit of account to a national currency

The land standard is the most anti-kike. It was supported by Benjamin Franklin and the immediate post-Weimar Germany.
>Franklin conceded that paper money could be debased if the issuing authority printed too many notes. The remedy for that was already at hand. Pennsylvania had backed its 1723 issue with land: To get your hands on a sheaf of bills, you had to borrow against the value of your property. That meant, Franklin wrote, that paper money could be imagined as “coined land,” and it also provided a protection against any drastic change in the value of such a currency. Should too many notes circulate and lose exchange value against silver or gold, landowners would snap them up to retire their mortgages; if too few, then more people would mortgage their land to acquire notes. This is a strikingly modern understanding. Over the next 50 years, Franklin revisited his defense of paper money, but his core idea did not change: It was a crucial obligation of a government to ensure that its citizens had an adequate supply of money. Once thus properly supplied, the freely undertaken choices those citizens made would secure its value.

>On April 3, 1729, Franklin published a pamphlet with the falsely humble title A Modest Enquiry into the Nature and Necessity of a Paper Currency. It may be the least known of the great founding documents of the American experiment, but in it, he eviscerated his wealthy opponents. They had no real principle at stake, he wrote. Rather, they were greedy, relentlessly pursuing their own self-interest. The rich love currency crises because a lack of coins in circulation allows those who hold gold or silver to “practise Lending Money on Security for exorbitant Interest.” And, when times are tough, the wealthy can scoop up property at fire-sale prices. Without the trade that a robust money supply evokes, “the Common People in general will be impoverished, and consequently obliged to sell More Land for less Money than they will do at present.” Worse, Franklin predicted, when the land grab ends, those same purchasers will support expansion of the money supply, boosting the value of their new property.

Gold standard is pro Jew because they control most of it via banks and governments and the average group or person has no hope of ever liberating or redistributing any of the supply nor verifying its existence in the first place without first invading and defeating the country to check. Fiat is also Jew, but it's so much more Jew that they don't want any nation independently going back onto the gold standard either.

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Actual exchange with commodity currencies (silver, btc) are the escape.

I'm working on an article. This is an early draft but I hope to complete it this week.

How he could think of something like this hundred years ago?

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Its what the jews likle because they own most gold, so they promote it as much as possible. They did not like Nixons move i think but now they managed to make fiat even better for them !

Ah yeah this is what i saiod aswell

Fellas!, throw away your ideas. They're shit. take part Renso-NFT.

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>They did not like Nixons move

I think they were pretty cool with it.

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Here's what I imagine

>Gold standard comes back
>All of a sudden, (((regulations))) come into play preventing you from buying gold
>You cannot redeem your "Gold Certificate Dollar" for gold
>"Fort Knox is full of gold, just trust us!"

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Nice rhetoric but it's hard to quantify work/labor in reality. They had to steal foreign and jew gold.

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>source: talmud

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feder was a hack. read schacht

I like parts of Hitler as much as the next guy but even the finance minister in that video said as much.

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jews can control gold supply just like they can control fiat supply.

what is the demand for goods? kike



>In January 1938, the Soviet diplomat Kristyan Rakovsky commented nthe German money system. Rakovsky had held posts in London and in Paris and was acquainted with Wall Street financiers. He explained, “Hitler, this uneducated ordinary man, has out of natural intuition and even despite the opposition of the technician Schacht, created an especially dangerous economic system. An illiterate in every theory of economics driven only by necessity, he has cut out international as well as private high finance. Hitler possesses almost no gold, and so he can't endeavor to make it a basis for currency. Since the only available collateral for his money is the technical aptitude and great industriousness of the German people, technology and labor became his 'gold'.... As you know, like magic it’s eliminated all unemployment for more than six million skilled employees and laborers." 34

>Otto Wagener, head of the NSDAP’s economic policy branch, told Hitler that Schacht was “an exponent of world capitalism” and hostile to the state’s revolutionary approach to economics. 41

He even kvetched when Hitler fucked with basically the HR department and their inflated salaries

>One revolutionary measure, appalling to laissez faire disciples like the banker Schacht, was the government’s regulation of salaries and managerial privileges. It first addressed the custom in private sector of paying white collar workers monthly stipends even when absent from the job, while according no similar benefit to factory personnel.

>“The frequent argument that Hitler found the unemployed population work and bread solely through a massive build-up of the armed forces is untenable, when the actual statistics are examined,” the historian Ralf Wittrich observed. 127 Schacht confirmed this when he stated, “The elimination of unemployment in Germany... succeeded without rearmament." 128

I could go on.

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Gold standard is a lot better than unbacked fiat

Yeah but what are the odds that Jews will ever have a monopoly on hard work and physical labor? It's the ultimate currency because the Jew can never forge or create it himself.

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Not really, mining for gold is expensive and finding new places to mine is hard. You can't just conjure it up but sure you can squeeze the supply a little if you want

Ben Franklin was a twat

if you are forever trapped as a laborers while jews control the government and banks. you are just their cattle, forever enslaved. with no ability to control our own destiny.

idk wat the fak u talkin abt im just waiting for solprime's ido an then ima be a rich ass mf

schacht was the minister of finance and the head of the reichsbank, everything that happened in the nazi economy through the 30s was because of his micromanagement and it all went to shit when goering bullied hitler into removing him. whoever you're quoting is an ideologically-motivated moron

the point is, due to limited gold supply they can easily control it just like they can control money supply at the printer. you want a money supply that cant be easily controlled by a single entity.

>constant liquidity crises are good

That's not labor or hard work, it's mindless droning for a fake economy. All real manufacturing is done outside of the US now.

Most garbage response I could have imagined, complete misunderstanding of history, you're either a Jew or a Commie Jew. Schact was the one who was in charge when Weimar hyperinflated. He was a Jew puppet and most likely a Jew himself. You're talking out your ass and everything I posted is backed up by sources, a lot of them first hand German documents.

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