Last chance to get on board the rocket ship...

Last chance to get on board the rocket ship. We're going straight to $1k and you'll rope if you don't pick youself up a bag

Attached: LUNA.jpg (768x526, 31.58K)

I have 7k of these bad boys. Your telling me we're going to do a 10x from here this cycle?

So why isn't Luna a ponzi exactly?

ponzi schemes pay older "investors" with new "investor" money, the funds are never actually invested

Yes, quite literal; but what actually drives demand? It seems most are merely on board for the moonride.

Supply squeeze, Luna is burnt to mint UST. More and more protocols being started -> more need for UST

UST and DAI are fully decentralized stables, LUNA seignorage is more capital efficient than Maker vaults

So, in other words, at a certain point LUNA itself would become a stable coin - assuming demand for UST plateaued and stabilized? assume UST growth is dramatic, but then plateaus and profit taking on LUNA ensues. Does this imply the stabilization phase for LUNA will necessarily look like a pump and dump with no possibility of repumping as demand for UST will have plateaued?

Who uses UST except for Anchor? Where is the demand for it coming from?


Look up Murray Rudd on substack or Twitter for a detailed explanation on how the burning of $luna and the growth of $ust would affect the price.

He's done some very detailed price analysis and in-depth explanation on the tokenomics behind the project

$Luna wouldn't become a stablecoin, it would become deflationary. The higher the price of $luna, the less that needs to be burned in order to mint $ust so we'd see a parabolic rise at first and then a slower steady paced one.

Anchor is just the first, there's others like Orion, Prism, etc. Basically DeFi protocols running on the Terra blockchain need UST.

Apart from that, CEX/DEX are starting to use/enable UST (Binance, Kucoin,, etc.)

Do Kwon is going after Maker/DAI next so I'm expecting it to be a good turn investment still long-term. That said, NFA, I've been holding a bag since $6 myself. Sold half too early in October unfortunately cause I needed funds for BSC shitcasino. Big mistake lol.

>it would become deflationary
But if it is only burned when UST is minted, at a certain point won't you have enough circulating UST to meet demand?

Anyway, I'll check out his twitter, thx. I appreciate the replies.

Thanks, I looked him up on substack and it seems he really knows what he is talking about. I've got my luna at 50 USD. Should I sell and wait for a dip or just hodl?

I'm hodling longterm. Expecting to see 4-figs a token by 2023-2024

Yw. And yes, but you'd look at billions of circulating supply by that point in which case Luna would have already skyrocketed. I'd really advise to look into the models Rudd has written. They include multiple scenarios and he frequently updates them/has Twitter convo's with his thoughts on the current day market/model

Is anyone staking this thing on Kraken?
Kraken has picrelated as tooltip for staking LUNA.
How does that actually work in the real world?
When will I receive LUNA and when will I UST?
Is UST also staked and compounding?
I am confused.
Can someone please elaborate?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-03-29 132600.jpg (389x68, 10.76K)

IDK how it works on Kraken, but on TerraStation, the official Terra/Luna wallet, you have to manually claim your staking rewards (you have to pay transaction fees for that). Rewards come in Luna and in different stables - you get a share of transaction fees validated by the validator you are staking with. You can either swap stables to Luna (for a fee) or stake UST on Anchor. Fuck CEXs, stake on an official wallet

Fud, more like 10k$

ty, fren

>investing in a governance token of a scam
You retards will never leant

Astroport up 40% in the last hour.

Nah, just like the last time it'll go back to