How to survive the unironic collapse of the financial system, food system, and society?

>Global Warming causing drought, destroying crops
>War on Russia decreases fertilizer
>even less crops, less basedbeans, less grains
>chickens get less feed, chickens more expensive
>stores literally empty in certain isles
>Global grain, meat, vegetable oils shortage
>buying food for 2x price and cost 2x to cook it due to gas imports decreased
>dont forget inflation!!!

The fuck do we invest in before the unironic collapse of society? Guns and ammo?

Is this all just media scare bullshit?

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All the while corperations are making record breaking profits

If you think that civilization is ending and that all objects and land are without any intrinsic value, then buy seeds for growing food.


>Organic homestead
>Feed your chickens food scraps
>Compost for fertilizer
>Buy guns and ammo
Now let's talk about your coombait

Media scare like covid. Nothing ever happens.



Invest in a woman with milkers to feed you

>global warming
Meme. So much so they had to rename it climate change (aka weather) because it wasn't warming at all. Of course we'll still get those things but they'll be fake af in order to make changes in line with the wishes of deluded psychopathic bond villains

All of this is unironically you breeders faults. Kys and accept that homosexuals are better than you

There has been record amounts of drought and massive fires ravaging the lands. Still a meme? Look at how much of California and the other rainforests have burned in the last 4 years

If I didn't have epididymo-orchitis right now I'd be blasting loads, you know?

>california fires
Those were arson. You think minute anthropogenic differences caused those?
>and other rainforests
Kek, you're funny

Pretty sure you're baiting but if not then boy are you dim



don't forget upcoming recession and depression.

we have to pay the debts we take today

thats... a man...

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>two words
No dig

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The big part of the huge California fires that burned during the pandemic is that the retards in power where I live stopped them from clearing the brush before fire season because they might catch Covid.. out in the forest

You could just live off dick juice if boobs bother you. You'll need to suck a lotta dicks though to not be malnourished

Breast milk is much healthier so only straights and lesbians really thrive

looks like a man
whats his name?

that is quite literally, a man, and you are a homo if you’re turned on by it