This fat fuck blew up walking out to the ring. What a disgrace. What a waste of money.

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uh? what u mean?

No he fucking didn't you stupid e-drone. Now you're just making shit up. Keith did fine out there and was 100x better than what he did back in the sloppy shop. We wanted Keith, and he's giving us, AEW fans, his true potential.

So the man is larger than the others. So fucking what? You clap for Vader and Yokozuna, but you have to have a problem with Keith for what? Because he's black? More charismatic than you? Living his dream? Seriously hope you die drinking bleach jerk off


Now they have to protect him in singles matches because he blows up so easily. Does Tony have the balls to make him get in shape?

We all know you suck each others cocks. Fuck off

How many ladder matches did Yokozuna wrestle?

When was the last time your fat ass did any exercise? I wouldnt worry about Keith


e-drones headcanon about lee is very sad

Then he decided to climb on a broken ladder and miraculously didn’t kill himself

nah he was shit in WWE too once he was so gassed that he hurt fish when he dumped him out of the ring

>When was the last time your fat ass did any exercise? I wouldnt worry about Keith

Attached: keith-lee-949494.jpg (800x500, 27.12K)

The ladder to heaven.
He lost.


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Good GOD man, calm down. I like keith as well but you're sounding like a 16 year old girl.

is that the highest he can raise his arms? is he disabled?

>edrones have to invent headcanon to cope once again

What were they chanting while he was conducting them? That looked awesome

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>Refuses to work out
>Greetings and Salutations
>Hurts Bobby Fish
>Hurts Orange Cassidy

Hi Ojama

>Hurts Orange Cassidy
You say this like it's a bad thing, Keith's doing AEW a favor for injuring this shitter, give the on air time to more.worthy wrestlers, fuck


It's a bad thing since AEW fans love OC and he moves merch. I don't care for the guy personally.

Drop the burger you're eating, Keith.

Injured or not the merch will move, this just means less time for him on TV so others can actually do shit, then Tony can spin his return into a pop for the nerds

So we get Strickland wrestling once on Rampage, once on Dynamite, Dark for a few weeks, then nothing until June. Sounds awesome.

Imagine being mentally disabled enough to think AEW is suddenly going to become economical with their TV time because OC, of all wrestlers, who doesn't even talk, is off TV for a few weeks. Lunacy.

>Strickland wrestling
Propane wrestling? Anyways, OC/Puddin' Gang had at least one segment a week, which honestly could be better used by having literally any other wrestler using that time instead of him, so yes, it is a good thing