
I haven't read anything about it lately. Did ethereum maxis give up already?

Attached: ethlogo.png (225x225, 2.05K)

They should

>Did ethereum maxis give up already?

They're still having lucid dreams about their shitty eth 2.0 lmao

What's their to talk about? No L1 comes close to ETH so there's no competition to talk about. I'm still stacking ETH.

ETH 2.0 is never gonna come out. Get AVAX and forget about that slow and expensive shit.


POS will kill it, everyone knows it.

They should announce the next delay for the difficulty bomb in about 2 weeks.

gawd, the PoS vs PoW debate was laughable. was that really the best that the methheads could muster?

Merge is live and functioning on testnet, you're probably a ULNWI (ultra low net worth individual) so you don't associate with people that can afford to use Ethereum

if they go proof of stake then they compete with already established proof of stake chains. terrible idea for investors

they're busy fudding avalanche of twitter and jerking off to zero knowledge tech that'll work better on other more fitting l1s (those with true finality versus longest chain rule, better consensus inclusivity, fresher state, more capacity and much less technical debt)

Normies have been priced out of ETH

What's the avalanche of twitter?

That's a man

BSV can do everything ETH does for 1000x less fees.

I staked my Eth for eth2 on CB, I'm a poorfag, how fucked am I user?

Everyone with any sense at all is doing NFTs on ETH. It's insane how badly you all fade ERC-721. It's so much easier than ERC-20 and other shit on centralized exchanges.

Doing NFTs has been like a second go at the 2017 ICO run, but even easier.

It's legit an unscalable piece of shit where they've publicly announced their solution to that problem is to move everything to sharding which is just creating their own L2. L2s already exist so this seems like a waste of dev resources, they just have nothing better to work on because the chain is unironically DOA at this point. Nobody is building on ETH because there are now better L1s.

Why are Avax bagholders so obsessed with Ethereum?

Because it's an ETH clone with extra whistles that don't work right.

Name a better L1

I don't talk about ETH or BTC. They're my main holdings, but what is there to say? I just accumulate it and shill shitcoins like d0b0 to eventually get more ETH. It's as simple as that