Why is monero so undervalued?

Why is monero so undervalued?

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Because there are other privacy projects that are better like Venice Finance

stfu scammer retard, monero is king

Ranjeet spam

Jews and pajeets, oh and the eth skeletor.

the same reason why tor and the dark web is a meme; because fungibility is a meme and pseudonymous just werks
and because the markets determined that if bitcoin needs to be anonymous it will be

Because Discreet will eclipse Monero in the coming years.

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They figured out that it's easier to just not comply than it is to use super-elite hacker technology to evade the self-described authorities.

African American

how exactly will btc be anonymous?

Been following this since the start up, has anything happened recently? Never seems to be a lot of movement

no idea, how about mimblewimble like litecoin did

because normies and midwit retards bought the meme that wanting privacy means you're doing something evil. that will change.

Because this is not a value market.

You think Monero is undervalued until you check out this gem, great utilities, amazing fundamentals and a growing ecosystem, yet its greatly undervalued.

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Because it is not yet well connected to Defi and Web3 applications so essentially all the supply is idle and liquid.

As integration with DEXes, liquidity pools, lending and so on progress the available supply will deflate rapidly resulting in massive price appreciation.

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One of possible reasons is that too many XMR were created as block rewards, leading to high inflation. We have almost reached tail emission stage, so we should soon feel decrease in inflation, leading to higher prices (if nothing else changes ofc).

when will all that happen?

Because nobody actually holds Monero. They just convert into it to use it then convert back out to something else (USD BTC etc).
Great tech though.

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because it is difficult to purchase for retail investors and the larger investors don't want to worry about the potential legal/logistical hassle of holding it.

Ask fluffypony when will he release Tari.
Or ask pee faggots when will they integrate with the king shitcoin.

Just follow Thorchain's roadmap.

They will start with Haven, a Monero fork, then Monero itself.
This board is totally sleeping on RUNE.

this is ignorant to the fact that the biggest bitcoin wallets are exchange wallets. this is because processors have to own bitcoin as if it were stock on a shelf, to meet demand somewhere else. one of the reasons dogecoin mooned is because noone had dogecoin on their balance sheets. they had to buy it to meet the demand of new dogecoin buyers

Normies only care about fiat. They need their offramps.
Jews did this.

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this is ignorant because it assumes institutions are able to hold Monero on their balance sheets without pissing off regulators and jeopardizing months and millions of dollars invested in the regulatory process.

ok sorry, just wanted to say why "because they will use it and then sell it" is shortsighted reasoning

Was just about to mention thorchain. I really like it, amazing DEX, although I'm still worried about their security given the many past exploits and outages. XMR would make a great target for a steal since you can't follow where it ends up. I wouldn't stake my shit on there when XMR integration launches.