How do I get into farming

How do I get into farming

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yeah get some animals and make them breed, that way you can get more animals and more food

animals are high effort high reward
average Any Forums neet is better off tending to crops

like this

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First thing’s first, you need to find some dirt.

And crops aren't? if anything happens the crops die, even more, they need a year or so before you can actually profit from it

Based user, obscure reference

I am in the dirt already, does it help if it's full of shit?

Actually the more shit it's in the dirt, the better

idk ask Jeff lmao

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haha how funny i'm dyiinggg


Animals are far easier to take care of than crops. You just need more land for animals.

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Oh my God, Louis, it's Jeff from Earthbound!

Now that I think about it, some business ideas come to mind; you could probably start a composting business and sell that compost fertilizer if what the news says about the world being cut off from Russian fertilizer is true, and fertilizer comes in high demand. Probably be hard to scale a business like that, probably only get business from small time farmers or gardeners, I don’t know. Kind of hard to imagine what a good farming business will be for you without any idea how much land you have access to and what the seasons are like where you plan to farm.

just pick up your muni and plat i t under eth. then, just wait.

Penelope, CEO of Animalonics

you don,t and thats a good thing.


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