I've never seen ETH maxis this triggered

wtf did Avalanche do to them that it lives rent free on their heads? They're literally fuming. It never been this bad and this kind of threads pop up multiple times a day targeting only AVAX.


Attached: ethavax.png (472x256, 22.65K)

>What did Avalanche do
Only create a true successor to the fundamentally broken Ethereum
The same reaction btc maxis had when eth first came to fruition, mETHheads are having to avalanche.
See you at quad digits user

Their tech is fine but it's a solution looking for a problem, and they literally have to pay people to come and use their product (i.e. liq incentives)

>Their tech is fine but it's a solution looking for a problem

How's it looking for a problem more than Ethereum tho? Avalanche is less complex system at the moment thus have less risks of failure, will benefit from Rollups too, have fundamentally more optimal consensus and subnets architecture on top.

Avalanche is more flexible, have better design (probably learned from ethereum mistakes), is more capable and has much less technical debt to deal with. Avalanche just offer more.

He’s right tho.

AVAXroaches are becoming as annoying as ETHheads at speed of light.

What's the size of the blockchain and how many gigabytes does it grow per year?

I'm a Polkadot shill but I secretly own AVAX.
It just works.
In fact, I hold wrapped BTC and ETH inside the AVAX network because I trust it more than the native networks.

Also rollups and subnets are disputing a fierce fight to death to decide the ultimate vaporware world's champion.

Attached: j.jpg (276x183, 12.36K)

Cardano addresses all these scaling solutions in a single product, many stake pool operators will also run any scalability layers, allowing multiple parallel income streams, pretty cool.

Cardano won the tournament last 6 editions.

If i'm getting it right, In Avalanche you can always spin another subnet and insert it into the primary network through governance (thus benefitting from all the security guarantees/decentralisation immediately) and eject the bloated one into regular subnet. It's infinite loop of scaling of the primary network. That of course in addition to regular subnets.

Going by Ethereum philosophy ("Rollup-Centric" philosophy) you can just keep the C-Chain running forever (Or add another chain into the primary network without ejecting the C-Chain) and use it only for settlement, On the way benefit from sub 1s finality that especially benefit Rollups (no re-orgs, much less MEV too which Rollups are especially vulnerable), optimal decentralisation because Avalanche consensus allow inclusivity contrary to ethereum and some capacity on the way due to lighter consensus operation, So it also wins the rollup-centric argument.

And the Rollup-Centric idea have many disadvantages, I bet Subnets with cross tx communication would be good enough to 95% of applications and offer much better UX (Subnets are inherently more composable, I'm not even sure there's even a paper addressing this problem in off-chain scaling because it's extremely hard problem) But again, Avalanche will benefit from both.

ETH maxis have hard time admitting there's a better design to run further innovations on, Ethereum can never reach the level of flexibility, cleanness and capability Avalanche offer, What you're seeing from maxis is the epitome of coping, literally by definition.

I agree with you on the part that Ethereum has lost the race with themselves. By having to rebuild their entire engine they lost first mover advantage, have been at best a fast follower of their own tech so while they were busy reinventing their own wheel, other tech has already iterated as they could start from scratch not having to merge an already running platform.

Not to mention how terribly centralized it has become with Consensys owning all the critical infrastructure and basically knowing which wallets belong to you (if you're so dumb to use Metamask / Infura)

Current validator spec is 500GB of disk I believe and an actual full archival node is something like 250-300gb. There is offline pruning though which can reduce the DB down to a few gb and pretty soon Avalabs should be releasing super pruning which is online pruning. I don't think the whole eject and replace thing will be necessary for years, if ever.

i hope it triggers them harder! i hold ETH but hate maxis like those insufferable bankless maggots and pic related fat cunt. love it when AVAX, LUNA, SOL & BNB make them seethe

Attached: fatandbald.jpg (1200x1200, 215.26K)

why can't ETH maxis just admit that Ethereum was a extremely successful prototype for a programmable block chain, but never the end-all-be-all monolithic eternity-chain? They are becoming as delusional as BTC maxis, but in a way worse since BTC boomers actually have some good arguments for the ongoing utility of BTC. On the other hand ETH is spiraling into scalability hell and any possible solutions are crushed by technical debt, developer egos, and dogmatic thinking.

A fresh start was always the only solution. Every Eth killer comes with years of learning from Ethereum's mistakes. Avalanche has that along with a revolutionary consensus engine and a flexible future-proof architecture(subnets). Its superiority is obvious; to deny that is delusional.

Your not going to beat ETH you avax cucks. Eth 2.0 now I drop the mic!!!

>The virgin ETH maxi
>The Chad 2/3 ETH 1/3 alts hodler

I've never seen Avax baggies this triggered.

What did ETH do to them to cause mass shilling.

>In fact, I hold wrapped BTC and ETH inside the AVAX network because I trust it more than the native networks.
you trust avax more than btc mainnet? you are so mentally fucked up that you're practically not even human...

It's the bagholder effect. They become emotionally tied to their ETH, I'm sure because some have watched/participated in ethereum since the early days and have made a good amount of wealth from it, and view ETH through an ideological/religious lens. AVAX is probably the first "ETH killer" that presents a legitimate threat to the notion that Ethereum will be the be-all-end-all smart contract platform platform of the future because it's the "original".
Rationally you would rebalance some of your portfolio out of ETH and into promising new technologies like Avalanche but I'm not sure that most ETH maxi types are capable of that mindset shift at this point since they're now feeling "threatened". They're both ignorant about what avalanche actually is and delusional about their thesis.