What did she do to deserve Triple H Reign of Terror booking?

What did she do to deserve Triple H Reign of Terror booking?

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*gawk gawk*

I think she’s also the reason Tony barely signs any women wrestlers compared to the fellas.

By being married to the Young Fucks best friend

Sucked off the right people.

Be able to speak English. This is why Japanese wrestlers will never be truly over with fans .The language barrier is one of many irreconcilable differences between whites and Asians. Basically, even if we don't admit it to ourselves, Chavo Guerrero was correct, when he said "If it's not WHITE... it's not right".

she’s Tony’s personal toilet

She existed in the company to lure over atom smol and this is her payoff

This is the most likely

Britt Baker is way better than the rest of the Women's Roster aside from Jade Cargill. She should carry it forever.

Sucked dick to get to the top, just like she’s sucking dick to stay at the top. Everybody’s had their turn

Just by being an over women I'm pretty sure she's drawn more for AEW than Cole.

she works tony. shes relatively smart and im sure she talks to tony a lot. she probably answers his texts and pretends to be interested unlike luke harper. therefore she has become one of tonys favorites

Nobody other than tranny weebs understand the gooks she's buried and Thunder Rosa's exploding knees.

Kek I remember when Tony shared that message with Luke after he died and he sounded completely uninterested

Get more over than every other woman in the company

She has a catchphrase that is over

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the fact you think a green ass bitch like Cargill is one of their better wrestlers is hilarious. she might be good in a few years. Right now she is just their female Goldberg, just some big strong dude who is learning to wrestle while having a protected streak.

nobody gives a shit about some spot monkey. jade already has the it factor down. something those girls will never learn in a million years, while jade will learn even more how to wrestle.

>the fact you think a green ass bitch like Cargill is one of their better wrestlers is hilarious.
He's not wrong.
Fucking state of the AEW women's division.

Her opponents getting injured at the wrong time.

she's losing in san antonio to thunder

Oh please, Riho and Shida always get the audience on their side through their matches
They’re over

He got his one and only PPV main event, so he can stop now.

>Tony likes long reigns
>She is dating Cole and was probably a significant piece in signing him
>Her winning before Cole's match added a bit more intrigue to the main event, will they go for the power couple angle?
>She's over

"DMD" is over.

Britt isn’t over, her catchphrase is
The audience goes to sleep during her matches and promos

I wonder if Kylie Rae cries whenever she sees Britt on TV while downing pills realizing that could've been her.