Will all ETH miners move to ETC after the merge in July?

will all ETH miners move to ETC after the merge in July?
what are the financial implications?

Attached: etcnft.png (592x528, 177K)

>the merge in July

No, they'll dump their cards. Mining is only profitable because ETH is be-all end-all of GPU mining value.

Ergo is the chosen one

this doesn't make sense because current ETC profitability is close to ETH and its only a software switch from miners perspective.
mines are more than just GPUs, the boards, premises, etc...
also fifthening soon on etc

>what is difficulty
fucking non miners should refrain from these threads

Take a look at ETC github, it's a complete joke.

I'll mine Ergo with all cards

They will move to the flux network.


I've talked to several ETH miners who will switch to RVN. Some have already switched part of the hardware over.

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What was their reasoning ? afaik RVN doesn't have smart contracts

What will be mined is always determined by profit. Maybe it has something to do with block reward, network difficulty and GPU hash power efficiency. Being a miner means you go where it is profitable I suppose.

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Ergo is the most undervalued coin in crypto. It has the most solid and sustainable plan. Not to mention the cofounder of smartcontracts.com founded it. buy/mine Ergo now and wait.

Asics will move to etc, GPUs will move to something else since they can't compete with asics on a relatively weak crypto.
Alternative coins will pump just like when eip 1559 came into effect. Alternative coins are rvn, ergo, flux, cfx, sero, firo

I accumulated rvn, will probably accumulate some flux too

I just want ETC to dip again. I sold at $9 and never got back in. Watched it 10x and more. Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


It's not too late but you aren't getting a 9x at this point. 2-4x if you're lucky.

I'm sure billions of dollars of ethash asic miners will just turn off and never run again after the POS merge even though ETC uses ethash algorithm.
>pic related

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nice joke, you'll get pennies compared to dollars coming from mining ETH due to it's retardedly high difficulty and it'll only increase cause of retarded GPU miners not able to understand EV. Also, hope those GPU miners moving to RVN know how to re-apply thermal paste to their GPU's on the reg.

Also yes the bull case for ETC is obvious, the question how many on biz can see it

>The original eth
>Fifthening soon
Its matter of time gents

And of course eth merge will flood with eth miners to etc, creating "demand"