I have posted on this board for 4.5 years

> total profit: 1.35M, 1.025M still sitting in crypto rn

I literally will unlikely ever have to worry about money ever again.

However, we need to talk about the janitor problem. Over the past 6 months, I have been banned more times than in the past 6 years.

In late 17-early 18 i literally made a post of me jizzing on my PC when LINK hit $1. This post got over 100 replies.

Someone sent me 20 linkies once for posting a sharpie in my pooper with eth address.

I gave away $200 worth of ARK one night when I was drunk, yet I got banned the other day for offering hbar when people called me a LARP when I said I had 2M hbar. I just wanted to prove I actually owned a wallet with 2M hbars.

Now... its time to dust off a timeless photo of my testicles that I havent had to use in years.... fuck niggers, fuck jews and ESPECIALLY FUCK JANNIES.

Die in a fire.

For the rest of you, buy BTC, BUY HBAR

That is all

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You're the dude who keeps posting his hbar bags every day?

Im a lot of things. I dont think ill ever be able to leave this place


They have absolutely fucking ruined this place beyond redemption and I honestly don't think we can do anything. Jannies are dead set on destroying this board and have pretty much finished the job unfortunately.

I've been banned over thenlast few days several times for shit like "trolling our site Any Forums" and "racism". It's unacceptable.

Hbar looking J U I C Y tonight.

Wtf why are Caucasian balls so pink?

I got banned for posting nickado avacado's asshole the other day, absolutely ridiculous.

I used to enjoy this board, but I once made a post about how I am now dating a prostitute I used to get high with and how its turned out to be the best relationship and financial situation ive ever been in (we've been exclusive since november)

I spent a good 30 mins writing up the entire history of our relationship and how its benefitted me financially, and within 3 mins jannies took it down.

Yeah the jeets bribed their way into janitor spots and actively suppress good shills

How did it benefit you financially when you had to pay her to be in a relationship

Yeah, I got banned for an entire week for posting about juno the day it came out, they always hide the good opportunities.

Prostitute or not, you always pay, probably pay less with a hired ho.

I never paid her to be in a relationship. Id just go to her to get drugs and we would get high together. Id pay for the drugs and we would just chill. Never banged her until nearly a year after we started chilling.

Shes literally the least expensive woman ive ever met and now that were dating and she doesnt have to work, shes in the best shape of her life and she treats me like a king.

True enough


Checks out

Correct, she actually worked hard to support her habit and make ends meet. She appreciates every fucking thing I do for her and ive never had a woman cook so many meals, do so much laundry, keep the house PERFECT, without asking anything in return.

She suggested we date in november, and I agreed to it if we got clean, so we did.

Only smoked weed once and did shrooms a few times since then, and shes turned out to be my biggest support system ever. Shes met my mom and I meet her parents next month. Her parents are multi-millionaires surprisingly

Wait are you the guy who was asking for advice cause he was in a relationship with a prostitute and then prostitute was bored a you 2 went to swinger club to have fun

That wasnt me.

1.35 million is not enough to worry about money ever again, why do you act like it is?

I make 140k/yr and expect 100k-1M btc in the next 3-5 years.

I didnt say I was retired, I just said money wouldnt be a problem

So she’s Jew?

what do u do for work to make 140k a year

Very juicy indeed

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Validation engineer

You are unironic proof money cannot buy class.

You still a cuck with extra steps nigger

Is that even a thing?

I never had money my entire life? I prefer to enjoy life than put up a facade. Laugh at the little things, enjoy every moment without worrying about others opinions

Tbh, dont care. Ive slept with hundreds of women and been in about 6 LTR's. Never been quite this happy

I’m the Any Forums drawfag and all my art is related to Any Forums and crypto and I keep getting my threads either deleted or sent to Any Forums