KWAB e-drones just keep eating Ls

KWAB e-drones just keep eating Ls.

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>Crying over who claims ownership of him

>ROH footage

CM Punk won. Love to see it

WWE should just buy his UFC career and make a 24/7 stream

they still have a video of his ass on their website

What's the joke? Why are you laughing?

what a pussy

because nobody fucking cares about that irrelevant shit you enormous faggoty mark

Seems like it matters quite a bit to Phil and all of his fans given the huge reaction he got last night, ya e-drone bootlicker slave.

Once Tony gets hold of CM Phil's FIP, JPW, and IWA MS back catalog then Vince is truly fucked

Imagine getting retard angry over pro wrestling

>"not just some tab on some shitty confusing app"
But that is exactly how ROH will be soon if the AEW streaming service rumors are to be believed.

Marks are in ring

I think he's shitting on Peacock in particular

defend him all you want, but just like his irl friends phil will unironically call you a kkk nazi and try to burn you eventually lmao

Gayest thing im gonna read today

How would CM Phil know unless he subscribes to Peacock? Which, of course, you know he does because he's a pop-culture obsessed phony

He's a big fan of the office.

Along with the other content I would assume he might have wanted to watch some of his WWE matches that he didn't happen to own on tape

>ROH footage
so, when no one knew who the fuck he was, right...

>all these faggots standing up for wwe
You make me sick. Vince McMahon and WWE can't die fast enough. Fuck you lame ass sexless faggots for defending a billionaire for free on the internet. Friendless losers!

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