Monero vs Dero

What's the consensus on this? Which one has better privacy? Dero seems to have more use-cases being a smart-contract chain, but it hasn't been around long enough and I don't see many merchants taking Dero.

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What magic does Dero use that allows it to have private smart contracts?

Fake and gay

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can't touch it. don't need the sec to tell me what a security is, the howey test is easy enough.

can you prove that it was premined?
Why would you call it magic? There are already several L1 private smart contract protocols. There's Secret, there's Tari (testnet), etc.
explain yourself

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Dero is the only one with 100% guaranteed privacy. It uses homomorphic encryption for everything. The rest are:
>let's hope the IRS doesn't have the obfuscation algo (Monero)
>let's hope Intel hasn't built a backdoor (Secret)
good luck with that


You think Fluffypony gave it to Interpol when he was arrested?

Im holding dero since day one. Its the only coin where I followed the development over the years.
People always tried to FUD from the start but they always delivered. The team is very small, its the captain and two other devs basically. Buy and don'f get shaken/fud out. I truly think the captain is ons of the smartest people in crypto after watching his work in the last years.

Yes he was tortured and starved he gave up

>I truly think the captain is ons of the smartest people in crypto after watching his work in the last years.
You write like someone who is average or below average intelligence. What makes you think you are able to tell the difference between good work and bad work in an extremely technical field like crypto privacy?

The main reason why dero will be big is because they are the only blockchain that has fully homomorphic encryption with smart contracts. That's a big deal if you're above average smart. Sorry for bad english bro

That's now what I asked. I want to know what makes YOU think you are able to judge the quality of a piece of work of academic cryptography? This is a field where 140 IQ guys get tricked by 160 IQ guys. You, with your 102 IQ, are naked and defenceless.

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The entire problem with this and Monero is 99% of people (normies) don't give a shit about privacy and never will.

102 IQ guy bought first ;)

I dont give a fuck, I have money that I can go anywhere with and it will never be shut down unless from a network attack

>Me like coin go up
Yeah that's what I thought.

The code is open source bro study the code, study HE, then you will understand.

Well it's being fiverrshilled on here so it's definitely got a massive premine.

>Study the code
No thanks. I'm not a dunning krugtard.

all emissions are auditible including 1m dev premine that was used to cover costs. Everything is the code every daemon shares. Community premine of 1 million also there but intact for future projects
ok then you should read more carefully what I wrote and use wikipedia

No thanks. 100% of biz privacy coins are scams, no exceptions. I don't know what rug or inflation bug or other weird shit this one is running and I don't care to find out.

Vitalik himself predicted homomorphic encryption will be a 'megatrend' in the 2020s. What he didn't predict was that it would delivered on L1 blockchain so soon. If the megatrend comes then dero goes to $10bn market cap ($~1k per coin) minimum.

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