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A girl made fun of me for not having an iphone.

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Wasn't this already a thing? I thought Apple was already leasing.

Hasn't this basically been already happening with financing and carrier contracts? They just want you to upgrade your phone every year/release.

Ive seen this same Iphone elitist shit even tossed at people who own Samsung galaxy phones. Like arent those things basically just as good build quality and have specs just as good (if not better) than iphones at this point?

Not exactly. Yes they did allow you to make payments on phones but eventually you paid the phone off it is yours to keep. This sounds like the phone is literally a subscription you will pay for indefinitely, with of course the option to upgrade to new devices after certain periods of time pass.

probably also allows apple to completely avoid any issues with people want ‘right to repair’, jailbreaking, etc. apple owns the phone, you just borrow it

The less things you own the better. Less waste. Worry about important things, like a house, for example, or a book, or watches. But consoomer products like cars or phones are better rented. That saves resources and produces less waste.

Styx hexenhamer 666 predicted this year's ago

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This is the big brain take. They are losing right to repair so if you don't ever own it they can completely control their intellectual property.

Its insane that we are literally watching the beginning of this in real fucking time. Kinda makes me want to off myself because I haven't "made it" yet and its looking more and more like I will run out of time

Yep it's called capitalism, poorfag. Now back to work.


My thoughts exactly.
Obviously going through with this would be a terrible financial decision for the end user. And Apple surely knows this.
But they are facing serious controversy around right to repair, and universal charging standards, among other things.
I’m guessing this is a play to circumvent some of the pressure that governments are putting on them.
>this product actually belongs to us, you’re renting it, so we own the right to go on designing the product how we please.

How does anyone afford the payments on that?

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Better. I have both. Samsung note personal and some newest greatest ifag work phone. The ifag phone is like tapping on a hollow peice of plastic. The note 20 is glass front and back and feels and sounds like tapping on a glass pane. Also scrolling sucks on iOS. I'm appaled how bad it is.

I know that feel. Hang in there bro.

>pay for your pizza over 6 weeks
How the fuck does this even work? Like they just make you pay $3 a week or some shit? If you cant afford $14 for pizza then you probably shouldnt be fucking ordering pizza. At least with phones we are talking $700+ purchases

What is more likely, that Americans submit themselves to this kind of slavery, or that they begin to purchase cheap smart phones and use WhatsApp like South Americans.

Same. But my hope is that most cattle will just over extend themselves. Basically they will get their paycheck and it will immediately go to all their "subscriptions". So for those of us who refuse to play that game will still have opportunities to escape. But hell maybe I am being too optimistic and with inflation going crazy right now you wont have a choice in the matter. Either sign up to own nothing or die.

They're layaway payments intended to catch you in a missed payment where the fee equates to 800% interest.

Yeah but which has a shiny apple logo?

They will absolutely sign up for this shit. Its not a major step up from the current trend of

>buy phone with 24 monthly payments
>after 24 months are up use "upgrade eligibility" to get the latest and "greatest" phone and resume the payments

And this shit has been going on for over a decade now. Hardly anyone cares about actually owning a phone. Which is particularly insanse when you think about how much highly private and/or sensitive information people keep on their phones.

So what happens with those that already have an iphone will a notification pop up like
>subscribe now for only $99.99/month or else your phone gets locked forever

Maybe it’s time I ditch my phone.
That way they won’t have any more of my data to sell.
If anything they should pay me to use it.