$18 link by may possible?

$18 link by may possible?

That's my break even and i need the money back by then. Hoped for a return when I went in last summer but now just need the same out.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (400x500, 56.79K)


not happening , sell now and save yourself some time and anxiety.


$180 May, yes.


this is getting fucking sad

sell everything before the upgrades this year

i know but i just have to have the cash then, i put in $300k and am buying a house. Hoped to see $400k with it but at this point just getting the same out is fine.

sell it tonight dude

i don't think it's going lower and im 40k down at this level, at worst i think this will be the loss but im hoping to claw back by may.

you mean you didnt sell that last 16usd pump? you are in for a rough awakening

Wtf, how much did you buy and what's your IQ for buying LINK above $5?

Slightly staggered my buys but have about 16k. I've known about link for years but have been in other things, thought it was a good but below $20 after the fall from $50 so went into it but obviously have been burned.

Chainstink is going to zero, sell

Have you ever wondered why when a support breaks it turns into a resistance?
It's because of the behavior you just described.

Those who bought thinking it would go up are in denial if the price goes down, and want to sell when it comes back in order to remove the emotional pain associated with the experience by selling what is tied to it.
Once they have sold those who buy back from them will be able to profit from the price going higher.

resistances and supports have nothing to do with investor emotions you complete fucking retard.

You're dumb!

I'm not interested in being a footsoldier for the project, i need to sell at that date and that's all there is.

yeah, that's something thats tough to appreciate
If you invest in something that's down 80% from the ATH, and it goes down to 90%, you lost 50% of your money
>also latefag with avg entry at $18

they're literally lines on a chart. Stop making up some astrology tier bullshit explanation behind it.

I Could have sold at 52. Still Holding and Hoping to sell anywhere near 30. Holding since 25 Fucking Cents.....


What happen to 1k eoy linkies? Seems like a distant future that’s not happening