So what next? CM Punk vs. Hangman Page?

So what next? CM Punk vs. Hangman Page?

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Punk said in the media call that he isn't looking towards the title so I'm guessing he's not the next feud if he hasn't already been made aware

worked. he literally did the belt shit over his tummy after his match

nah you are

he wants the tnt title

Didn’t notice that

>wardlow is 21-1
>dosent get world championship match.

I thought the ring thing meant a TNT shot? Wardlow's would be a good dude to take it off of Sammy. I don't know how feuding with MJF will get in the way of that.

Wardlow in kayfabe isn’t contracted to AEW. He’s employed by MJF

This would be a good cope if he wasn't listed on the rankings

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It isn’t a cope. It’s literally the storyline. MJF said so last week on Dynamite

Hangman vs Punk is the biggest possible match they can do at DoN. Won’t be MJF because he’ll be feuding with Wardlow. Who else is there really?

Kenny coming back or Miro

Miro vs Page isn’t a PPV main event and AEW very rarely do rematches so Kenny is unlikely.

Because all their matches were fresh, now it's getting a bit older so rematches are ok.

I still think Punk vs Page is the money match. You don’t want to do Omega vs Page to many times otherwise it becomes stale.

I agree, but guaranteed if they do that then Page will lose whatever overness he has left. People are already turning on him.

But if he's listed on the rankings he should still be able to get title shots

Then why is he listed and why dose aew let him kill their wrestlers?

Not really. Punk got booed against Eddie.

Punk has a new edge to him again, that was before. Plus Eddie is an underdog, Hangman is not anymore.

Yes it dose. But how do you explain most dominant guy in show dosent get shot at main tittle.
I would get if he would be offered it. But mjf takes it becouse he works for mjf. And its aproved becouse contract of mjf to aew and mjf wardlow checks out.