Alarm goes off at 6 AM

>Alarm goes off at 6 AM
>Shit, shower, shave and put on wagie costume
>Eat a bowl of sugar loaded globocorp cereal because no time to cook
>commute from 7-830 in bumper to bumper traffic
>wage from 830 to 6 because company is "short-staffed"
>drive "home" to cramped apartment
>Now 7:30 PM
>eat, do chores
>now 9:30 PM
>Only 1 hour of "leisure time" before I have to go back to bed alone and repeat the process for 50 more years

Attached: 3re.jpg (225x225, 15.22K)

A three hour daily commute is not sustainable for 50 years. Find some place closer to home.

dude living the boomer life lmao

>Wake up at noon, or whenever my body feels it's time to get up
>Have a piece of fruit to help wake up, not a drop of coffee in sight
>Go to the gym, which is practically empty at this time of day
>Shower, trim beard if I feel like it
>Decide if I want breakfast or lunch as my first meal
>Once that's taken care of, put on jeans and tshirt and go to work
>Commute 10 minutes because building is on cheap land in the country
>Shift is 3-11PM
>Work for maybe 45 minutes before first of many breaks
>Take a leisurely walk around the paved walking track
>Repeat till about 9:50PM, with a 45 minute meal break in there somewhere
>Overnight crew shows up
>Go home at 10PM
>Have a light dinner on the clock
>11-3am is my time
>Casually get ready for bed, laying down and watching some tv or shitposting on my phone
>Wonder how all those people who told me government work is for suckers are doing
>Shrug and check paycheck before bed
>$165k/year and climbing
Feels so fucking good. If your skills transfer, get the fuck out of the private sector.

If you don’t have time to cook you can have bananas, toast, fruity, celery, and whole grain bars/cereal

Some people still don't understand the trades are superior.
>leave early have empty roads
>finish just before school run starts, no traffic home

>wake up
>clean, organize, start working in the garden
>cook lunch
>rest 1h
>work outside again
>start preparing for classes
>teach for 1-3 hours per day
>enjoy the rest of the day
Such is life when you don't work 8-5. I only do 10 hours a week, but live on the bare minimum.

It's not their fault. Schools are designed to teach kids to look down on anything that isn't white collar corporate wage slavery.
They funnel them into colleges so they can get all the debt of a small mortgage with nothing to show for it, then trap them in offices till they're in their 40s with no end in sight.

I get up at 4:45AM everyday to goto the gym

Im an autistic NEET and have never had a job

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These posts have never made sense to me, because this lifestyle would involve spending almost no money. You'd have like 50k a year in savings. Yet they also usually say DUDE JUST WAGESLAVE FOR 50 YEARS, when you should be a millionaire in like 10 years with this lifestyle

Rent, gas, car loan, student loans
Also, they're probably making less than 50k


Do people really shit first thing in the morning?
Do people really shit once a day?

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>tfw wagieing from home
it's all leisure time with some hours here and there of waging. I make sure to log in first and then go shit, shower and eat breakfast. Tho I shower about once every 3 days just because it's not necessary to do it everyday. Also I work naked (voice chat on meetings only)

Nobody forced you to do this. There is always the option to just leave everything behind and go full hermit /street philosopher mode. It's only your addiction to life and physical pleasure, and the guarantee of a soft bed and a warm meal, that keep you in your slavery. If you want the toys of modern civilization you simply have to pay the price. The price is your life.

In this world it's how it has always been. Those who still pile up their hopes and dreams on the fleeting pleasures of this world always end up enslaved to them, by definition.

Those who develop themselves to the full measure to be indifferent to the pressures and pains that the world has to h offer are the only free humans that have ever lived in history. The rest are slaves, whether they know it or not, through all the strata of social hierarchy. The statesman is a slave to his state, the rich man is a slave to his investments, to his addictions, to his mistresses. Only the philosopher, who completely tames himself in the seeking of that which is not in his own control, truly is free.

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You are now aware that retirement is an aberration of the 20th century and will never happen again.

>museum security guy
>look at a wall 8h a day and can't use phone or read
>go home

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>Buy shitcoin
>Stake for 100000000% APR
>Never have to work again
It feels good to be making passive income safely and easily buy

I'm not saying that you should become homeless all at once. Or that you can instantly be a o philosopher. I am however saying that you must keep in mind at all times that you are responsible for your own harrowing condition.

Every time that you indulge in the disgusting pleasures of gratuitous and unnecessary comforts you dig yourself further into the hole you're already neck deep in. I'm asking you to just keep in mind, when you consoom media and distractions, when you eat for pleasure's sake and not for the needs of the body. When you choose a slavish comfort over a free discomfort. All I'm asking you to do is to recognize : "I am choosing this." When you choose your reputation, or your public position, or your status in society, over your own freedom, just recognize : "I choose this, and not to be free." When you bask in your addictions to pleasure, comfort, heat, ease, plentiful sleep, recognize that none of these are natural conditions ; none of them given, none of them are human "rights", none of them are an entitlement. They are the fruits of civilization. You choose them. You've chosen them for your whole life, and that's why you can't live without them now.

"But I am not capable of developing more resilience in my current state. My pay is too low, my work is too hard."

And did not the untouchable slave, who, when addressed by the Buddha as an equal, decide to abandon his life of poverty and follow the true way of wisdom? Did not he too attain to full realization?

He did...

Therefore OP recognize that whatever you do is your decision, your responsibility. Nothing can ever take away the final control that you have to simply cease your consent to your current situation. Of course, now that you are addicted, you will need serious rehabilitation, you will need to go through serious pain.

But is not that pain preferable to the life of slavery that you describe?

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Come then. Walk in the shadows of great men. The great Buddha, the slave philosopher Epictetus. Christ and the saints, if you prefer. And many more, have completely freed themselves from the bonds of the vulgar worldly life. So? Why can't you?

Attached: Epictetus.jpg (1074x894, 290.46K)

>wake up
>wish that the day will end so i can finally sleep again
my existence is pure pain and misery at this point