Fair warning to all rug pulling niggers

1. We know who you are
2. You will never know who we are until there’s a subpoena at your doorstep
3. It’s too late if you already rugged


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fuck this larping faggot, but d0b0

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Bye faggot advertising is against the rules.

But d0b0 what? Learn to spell retarded dobaggie

larp, I am still going to scam idiots and there is nothing you can do about it. To have the mental capacity to use uniswap to buy my scam coin is to be aware of what you are doing. You, the buyer, are not innocent.

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>hires illegals to shill and lies as the owner about it's profitablity knowing full well they plan on rugging their created fake supply
Goodluck with Tyrone nigger better get your buttplug ready otherwise you're looking at lots of pain and tearing.

Yes...and who cares. One day it's going to be over. You leak your IP every time you go to REMIX or etherscan faggot. YOU think you are safe...but when a black goy put his gun in your throat it's GOING TO BE OVER. It's a double edged sword.

Ruggers are worse than stupid gamblers cause they take advantage in a broken situation anyway. But there are no morals in the game...that's why I think you should get what you deserve...black boy.

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they're NFTs, the faggot can just argue he was selling art. frankly i do want to see one of these rugpull/NFT scam cases end up in superior court just to see what happens, both legally and as a matter of public narrative

I will rugpull the normalfaggots
I will funnel everything into xmr
I will keep everything i own on chain
I will not pay my taxes
and there is nothing you can do about it
>muh prison
glowniggers tongue my anus

this. all rug niggers who are worried about their anus getting torn, just buy d0b0 to pay for lawyers.

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just as you are supposed to have the mental capacity to have known there would be a reckoning
everything you do is public enough

the law moves slowly but it moves

>2. You will never know who we are until there’s a subpoena at your doorstep
>tfw subpoena has the return address

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I'm glad I'm not you. Doing shady shit to get over the mountain. Still ngmi.

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what the fuck did I just read kek I do everything myself. Meds. Now. Get that stuff out of your mind.

meds. also I'm not a scammer I lied


I'm so excited for you crazy kids at the IRS.

Why fight for the law when you can join me, imagine what we could do together

cope harder faggot, rape soon

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I bloom like a flower in the dawn

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i rugged half of this board at least and no one is ever gonna find me kek. my favorite thing is the cope in the tg after i rug when i post under an alt.

If rug pullers are caught and the funds recovered, will they be returned?