You have some just in case, right? It is the cheapest coin on CDC. Burgers will pump the price soon

You have some just in case, right? It is the cheapest coin on CDC. Burgers will pump the price soon.

Attached: 9436.png (200x200, 36.68K)

Will surpass shib in due time. Patience is key

Mine is lost on the blockchain I bough $500 and it did a 20x.

But sent to another wallet theough the wrong network.

All of crypto holders have some and are ready. Will 50x by eoy for sure. My body is ready.

All *og*


Attached: 88.png (498x498, 157.67K)


I'm not going to say whether or not this coin is going to the stratosphere, or is going to fall into the void of irrelevance. It doesn't matter to me.

But I will say this coin is the only one to cause me secondary embarrassment. I'm embarrassed for anyone who spent or spends time on it in any form, and I cringe internally, almost to the point of pain, whenever I see it's stupid, needy, actually pretty bad, Elon-dog hybrid face.

It's a coin built solely around having one uber Autist head of industry tweet about it. Let that sink in.

If there was a sub-category for meme-coins called 'cringe-coins', this coin would be at the top.

This isn't FUD; this isn't bullish FUD; this isn't FUD pretending not to be FUD, or FUD that isn't really FUD; this isn't even FUD for the sake of FUD's sake. And it's not even so cringe it becomes no longer cringe.

This is the unavoidable, inescapable, undeniable, immovable reality of this coin, and I just have to say it, and can't not say it any longer.

Absolutely fucking delusional. A meme coin with no purpose based on a real life billionaire who half the population hates will never go anywhere, the person the coin is based on doesn’t even shill this and instead shills regular doge whenever talking about crypto lmao, imagine being this stupid. You must be 17-23 years old

>it’s a coin built solely around having one uber Autist head of industry tweet about it. Let that sink in.

Yep, so fucking retarded kek and yet these retards here still think it actually has a viable future. Hilarious but kinda sad at the same time, these are the people living in our society with us

It's not predicated on Elon tweet and never was.

A 'mission' coin with a charitable angle hand picked by Vitalik B himself. The fact that it has withstood so much FUD and remains in CMC top 150 alone is bullish AF.

>name of the coin is dogelon
>elon is literally spelled verbatim in the name
>”i-it has absolutely nothing to do with elon tweeting!”

Holy shit kek imagine actually being this retarded and delusional, wtf are these mental gymnastics. This is the community of ‘dogelon’ you’re dealing with, invest wisely

You i give a flying fuck about cringe. As long as i make money, I'm good. I'll worry about pride, dignity and maturity after I'm rich.

Alright now you’re just a flat out lying faggot, go fuck yourself. Vitalik did not hand pick Dogelon, kek are you fucking serious? Show me a single piece of evidence with a direct quote from him supporting it that’s not some schizo conspiracy from a retarded YouTuber trying to larp a connection together for views

Dumbshit, Vitalik was initially given half the supply. He donated it to the Methuselah charity. They then took an active role in helping shepherd the coin to mars. DYOR before speaking about things you know nothing about

The fact that you even have to consider the possibility it will moon, means you know it will, but are likely poor and priced out.

The ticker alone is enough to get normie attention... no tweets necessary smooth brain

I like Dog coins and I hold Axl Inu. Still surprises me why BabyDoge or Floki isn't listed on Binance yet but APE got listed.

Imagine not holding the most obvious global normie dead ringer coin in crypto because of some sort of perceived slight on your pride or dignity

I would invest into d0b0 before ever touching this shit coin