If you aren't making money in this market, why are you even here? this is basically free money

if you aren't making money in this market, why are you even here? this is basically free money

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>bragging about being in 6 figure hell
Make it to 7 figures then we’ll talk

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Don't boast until you actually take profits user.

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Define making money?

This. Have over 200k at the peak. It was still poverty levels

This. No offense OP, but this amount is chump change.


i dont know how leverage trading works, i tried to learn it but it seems like gambling where the house always wins

so i wait it out

Get a job

I spent more for my law degree kek.

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Got more from the ape airdrop lol

Lol I’m a dumbass and actually lost money in this market about 10k or 50% had a bad streak with stocks

been here for almost two years and i NEVER made any money, actually i almost lost all my savings and the more i study and try to understand wtf i am doing wrong, the less i get it

Everybody make money on this space, one way or another.

I am more of a long term investor minimum 2years and my bags are doing exceedingly well, being taking profits from my DeFi holdings, as for RIDE it just started it's metastaking and I will hold for the long run

Hey man I make my money on this space in different ways, be it IDOs, staking, daily trades and lots more

My next IDO project to bag is LFI, take 50% profit leave the rest for its upcoming staking pool.

Rinse and repeat on next project

literally everyone is up this month you retard.


Sir buy PNK and hold. Not sell. Kleros is good project becouse K and L are next to each other and also E and R. O is above center and slightly right and close to K adn L and S is below and left near to E and R.
I like Federico and Clement they seem so genuine so honest so down to earth so grounded so familiar. They seem so

are you this smug when that green number turns red?

>tfw u literally bought the top in nov ;_;

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bro you are barely above 6 figures lol, my portfolio fluctuates 60k a day minimum. Did you just find out about crypto last year?