GameFi BSC - Launching now

Samurai Legends thread! All true samurai assemble!

It's been a while, what have you been up to lately? Share your progress and maybe even some secret clan info!

Also in celebration of launch, let's hear some predictions.

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the jeeting of many presales for new goat or curry pot

Gonna make me richhhhhhh

KYC / Audited - perfectly safu

you and me both bro, first time i'm this early for something major

Yes me too, 500k marketcap launch gonna fly really so high
Can't wait for it
Jeets already dumped their inf

I predict Samurai Sisters soon, frens

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Let's hope so, i've been migrating mine the last 2 weeks - no lands bought, i'm all in on launch

Kek, let's hope so

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Samu-Rich soon

Gonna be rich!!! 28 is the date!!!

Likewise, hoarding tokens now, lands after pump

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Nice trips, btw

Trips confirm my suspicions, this is it, it's happening...

Confirmed, programmed, locked in, happening

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I'll just leave this here

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Damn based, that SMG rapidfire baw baw baw

I've got everything ready guys: the amulet, samurai, lands, INF, SMG - it's all there

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Ready for launch hell yeah

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I got 1 hill before launch, idk if I should buy for rest of INF 1 coast, 2 mountains or 5 hills.

If I see a single samurai hater, it's legend time.

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I'd say coast, since those will be the first to run out.

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Personally I'm all in on launch rn, but that's probably primarily because I've already got land. If you're looking to buy land I would say go quality over quantity and get yourself a coast. They'll be sold out soon.

Insider Info:

Hills and Mountain available in Koku and SMG

Coast will be on BNB...

So chose now and rich later kek

So 3 x Coast. I am just wondering where I will place all that Samurai if I will have only 2 plots of land xD Maybe hill whales will be most powerful kek

They'll be busy kicking ass and taking names on the main island, see picrel

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