I am 6'5, very handsome, have $500k in crypto, workout regularly, eat well/get enough sleep, socially gifted...

I am 6'5, very handsome, have $500k in crypto, workout regularly, eat well/get enough sleep, socially gifted, yet I want to kill myself. All I can think about it is the futility of it all. Sex doesn't motivate me, and neither does money or material things. I'm convinced reality is a joke. I can't imagine Sisyphus happy. Why? Should I just stop trying?

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smoke weed dipshit

Find a passion and a cutie. Maybe a dog aswell. Impossible to want to kill yourself if you have atleast 2 of those things

t. Very similar situation, but I got out of it

You sound like a cunt.

Everything you've put a focus on in life is materialistic and egotistic.

I have had girlfriends and women don't fix anything. I have a passion. Maybe I'll get a dog

you need to get on the spiritual path bro and no i dont mean some jesus bullshit. the path to immortality

It's social interaction that's missing. You need to get drunk with your mates every once in a while.

Found the retard

>i have tried everything to be happy except activating my body's natural and built in endocannibinoid system by ingesting thc and cbd regularly.
you asked why you're a muh depressed faggot. my suggestion is your probably on pharma and off weed. by your response I think im right. maybe go to lgbt with your question sweaty
btw dont bother calling me lazy I can do 75 pushups, you?

Just do drugs idiot. If that doesn't work, transition UwU

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First off all, 500k is nothing. Tame your arrogance.

I'd want to kill myself too if I only had 500k lmao

You should get a blood test to see if you have low testosterone. Either way, I felt like you until I found out I had low test from childhood PTSD and have since been self medicating. Long story short, I love myself now and am generally fulfilled. If you want to talk about it I can give you my telegram handle.

How the fug does childhood ptsd translate into low testosterone

All those gifts given to you by God, and yet, do you even go to church? Do you pray? Do you even read the Bible?

PTSD has a dramatic effect on hormone production due to high levels of cortisol that most PTSD sufferers endure. High cortisol and other stress-related hormones cause low levels of testosterone production.

Oh that's true. How did you get past it? Ashwagandha is supposed to mitigate cortisol.

Have kids user. I was in a similar position in 2015. I owned my own home, fully paid off, had a good paying job and lived with my qt gf.

I started buying stupid shit and spending more frivolously. Life became sort of pointless because I had a huge surplus of everything I needed.

I decided to marry my gf and put a baby in her. Having kids gave me a new purpose in life. Pretty much no amount of money is enough to secure the their financial future and that of my future grand children. Add to that, if I didn’t have a family when my father died 2 years ago I probably would have killer myself. Good luck user.

based and whitepilled

This. Having kids changing your life in ways you couldn’t imagine. And for the better. You couldn’t imagine the joy a kid brings to your life.

Pre-text, my father committed suicide on my 10th birthday and I woke up next to his cold, black and purple corpse. I started lifting weights and taking nutrition very seriously when I was 18 and that seemed to help the most out of anything I tried up to that point. Then, when I was 22 I got blood tests and it showed I had the testosterone levels of an 80 year old man and elevated cortisol levels. Started TRT and literally within the first week of injections my entire mindset started turning around. Testosterone, which is highly androgenic, lowers cortisol production as well as regulating many other hormonal pathways in our bodies, so needless to say it fixed most of my issues.

You need to get spiritual. Mushrooms, ketamine, lsd, 2 cb help Alot with the spiritual stuff.

Congrats you have depression. Time for meds.

>t. le abrahamic

I was in a similar boat as you.. my suicidal thoughts lasted for years. I would say that travelling helped.

I would use tinder and change my location to a country that I was interested in visiting, but didn’t know anyone living there… Then I’d make a connection with a cute girl in said country, visit, fuck and have a tour guide… rinse and repeat. After 1 year of doing this, I settled in Brazil with a beautiful girl and my thoughts of death completely disappeared.

You need someone who lovey you user. I love you.

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Do some mdma enjoy life and get the fuck over yourself
Youre not special

This, OP needs to take 1/4 of shrooms

Was in this position 7 years ago. Now I'm married with kids. Trust me, you'll look back and regret not enjoying this time more. Enjoy being in the place you're in now, the meaningful stuff comes in due time and it's mostly responsibility not fun.

thanks for the comments, friends. i don't think i have an inflated ego, and i only pointed out my gifts in life to make a point that even with all these good things in life i cant seem to get out of this rut. i have done lsd once and it was incredible, awakened me to many things, but it has worn off. i will try the suggestions you have given me. good luck to everyone

I’m 22yo, 6ft, athletic physique with 6figs in crypto. But it was over for me before it started. I had a fucked up neglected childhood with emotional abuse but the worst is that I was instilled this superiority complex in me by narc parents

Was raised sheltered yet completely fucked up and not being able to adapt to reality. I would have given in long ago but crypto let me live this limbo state where I thought I can make it
Everything that most people do, is not the reason why I do it, things that peers think is not what I think
If I look at it I think I am in my way of myself, but I can’t fanthom the way people then go on a route of being a self depreciating cuck identifying with their problems
If I won’t find another way out I will eat a bullet

All of this literally let me reconsiderate everything how good deranged parents can hide “raising” kids