
Currency Talk

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I fucking love d0b0

Wen moon dobros

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Holy Heckerino b0nkers the P R O P H E C Y is just around the corner, two more weeks approximately to be exact, I can't wait for the 10 bil I bought for $200 last week or so to just explode to 6 figures - it's very realistically going to happen to us all and we will all cash out all at once and the coin will still live and make everyone rich and happy OKAY?


idk, but I'm holding on to my bags with an autistic grip

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Holy hecking heck to the power of infinity, my digits surely prophecized the prophecy. It's prophecy squared now, WAGMI!

kys fgt

The accumulation period wont last for too long. You will hate yourself if you don't have at least a sui stack in 2/3 months

Yes we mooning soon buy it now or regret btc going to 50k!!

*dob0 0 volume*

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Blue chip coins seem to be rallying lately

Beste shitcoin is beste
Haters gonna rope once this hits prophecy levels

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What’s the sui stack?

10b sui, 100b make it

CR0B0 (CroB*nk)

- 6% tax
- 3% Reflection
- 3% to LP

Spread the word, as D0b* goes up, we go up. As CRO goes up, we go up.

>No dev wallet
>Fork with no dodgy code

0.x0dDaaef9501edd91cf1044e06Aa44F0063e53c59 (remove the dot)

TG = CronosB0nk
Follow/retweet my bot on Twitter that spams normies every 15 minutes @CR0B0NK.

We're less than 2 days in and already have a $6k market cap with an established marketing bot running 24/7. Think about it, once the normies get a hold of this, it has potential to shoot even HIGHER than D*b*. This is an easy buy.

WATCH OUT for the SCAM that just appeared in the last 24 hrs called "crogebnk", this is NOT the same project and will very likely rug (looks like it already is LOL)

The correct coin is CROBNK
0.x0dDaaef9501edd91cf1044e06Aa44F0063e53c59 (remove the dot)

Any other similar coin is a scam.

The CROB*NK wallets are locked for 1-4 years to burn supply each year and drive up the costs. I guarantee you this other "project" does not have that. It is a scam/ripoff and if you invest in the wrong one, you will lose money. Just a heads up!

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Fuck off retard, you desparate cunt
Feed your village another way

Lol this shit is pathetic , almost as sad as you living with your mom still

just buy d0b0 and quit this shit retard

What's wrong niggers? Still poor?

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I did, we're both going up.. d0b0 and cr0b0 are both gonna be huge. cr0b0 maybe bigger though lmao

gm sers wen binance?

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